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Everything posted by AndyTravis

  1. Yeah, he didn’t do himself any favours. Don’t his basses now have something about a 9/11 conspiracy theory on the back of the headstock now? I don’t know. I really wanted one for a period of time. I’d buy a sadowsky or lull blind...but with an AC I’d want it in my hands first. There are a lot of small niggly stories regarding such a high end luthier. Edit - yes there is a laser etched 9/11 reference on the basses now.
  2. I’ve actually just found that thread on TB. Also from 2013... I think the bit where the builder accused the customer of doctoring photos of flaws was a highlight. For a TB thread it was quite lucid.
  3. I played one when @three had one for a fleeting moment. He had a blue one - but it was a sunburst one he brought to me. It felt very special - and sounded great. I seem to recall it was an earlier one with a Brazilian rosewood fingerboard. The only thing I could pick at was the scratchplate/pickguard was a bit rough - but again I think they were hand cut and finished at the time - and the playability/sound absolutely made up for it. The headstock of AC basses I actually quite liked - and in person, it made sense. I haven’t played or seen one since - but, much like the Celinder P with a bound/dot neck @three had - it would’ve been a very nice thing to own.
  4. I’m just being childish, don’t worry - it makes very little or no sense with English as a first language 😂😉
  5. Ah that’s double ball Barry, rubs his cheesy wosit on every 5th D String..:mucky auld get. pickledick Pete rubs his grubby vegetable on every 3rd E.
  6. It was deeper seated than that - looking back, zero enthusiastic input, we changed rehearsal venues to help with transport situation (it was in his bus route) and he still wanted to leave early. I empathise with people who have struggles - I’ve been there. But he made out he could (and was willing to) contribute to costs, rehearsals and ideas - but failed on every count. in hindsight we took him as the best of a bad bunch. And it shot us in the foot. When we let him know the news, there was nothing by way of reply, he just blocked me on Facebook (I know...) and that was that. In all honesty, he contributed so little I can’t say I regret the decision.
  7. Yeah, Dave Navarro didn’t last long in the chilis...😉
  8. Took the (now finished) blue one to rehearsal last night - absolutely phenomenal feeling basses. My poor sadowsky is sweating.
  9. Yeah. Sounds a bit harsh, but I want the two guys. I always demo stuff with two guitar parts, I always want a keys player...but that’s another headache. Mike seems to use interesting sounds at points like really lo fi plate reverb etc. Which means no need for keys. Edit - this Andy chap really can play. Just not certain I’d get the results and layers I want. While I’m proud of our EP which we did within six months of forming, it feels empty at times.
  10. Little finishing touches. New full pickup foams fitted (I didn’t take a photo) And little strap button washers...
  11. Well. If it all goes to plan. We’ll have Mike Maurizio Max Matt
  12. They do - been very open throughout the process. And if they form their own band...then so be it, most people bore of me quickly
  13. I’m listening back to the rehearsal from last night, Maurizio did well. And was a nice guy. He also came back first, and seems easy to work with. Meeting Mike on Wednesday.
  14. Like...a “guitar hero” the guy in the football team who goes for glory and misses rather than passes the ball.
  15. I will be doing later, will also try with Mike’s, just got wife’s mates in the garden going over something which could’ve been a text... you know 🙄😂
  16. Well, like proverbial busses... here’s the same track with a nice chap called Andy who’s contact us through join my band. Interestingly - chose similar chords in the first “chorus” to Maurizio. Seems more outwardly proficient - that’s not always a good thing for a band, if you get what I mean. https://drive.google.com/file/d/13tyhv3FYInxBUj2YFSfroCeVuRjeDOR-/view?usp=drivesdk
  17. Yeah, it was very much pick up a bass and see what happens - the “chorus” is a regurgitated riff from a scrapped idea, the “Verse” was just what i played on the bass to check the levels. the “middle 8” type thing was something in key just to hint that it might be time for a lead part. I sent it to Matt and Max (singer/drummer) and said “will this do?” And off we went.
  18. Reported - I’ve had to tell people who have spent £1000’s on stuff that their strat/Les Paul/jazz Bass is an Encore/squier/Epiphone before now. There really are some people who aren’t as fortunate as we who cannot spot fakes. The Classic Vibe Squier first run were the most common re-badges.
  19. His lead feels like it’s been lifted from ‘Parallel Universe” off RHCP live at Slane Castle DVD.
  20. I am rarely agog. It’s almost like they’re meant to be together...PHWOAR. Bring it on.
  21. You are wise. I bow to you. Now I need to stop listening. how exciting
  22. It’s absolutely mental - they choose to fill completely opposite spaces in the music. and that’s my decision made. towards the end there are 2 bass tracks, and from what my ears tell me 3 guitars. And it all works.
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