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Everything posted by AndyTravis

  1. It’s absolutely mental - they choose to fill completely opposite spaces in the music. and that’s my decision made. towards the end there are 2 bass tracks, and from what my ears tell me 3 guitars. And it all works.
  2. Wow. Thanks to @Dad3353 for his pure genius. i managed it in GarageBand - didn’t want to mither him. he was kind enough to send me the link - but for pure ease - here’s mine. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_vB7JmwQsp07-WLri82DqhR547D0hdQE/view?usp=drivesdk
  3. Can you send me that, I’d be really interested to hear it.
  4. I came to say “Oleta Adams” - @itu beat me to it. ‘I’ve Got A Right’ is a beautiful track.
  5. Do you know - that’s nail on the head. I’ve said to the boys that 2 guitars would work. Have been totally up front tonight with Maurizio. He’s actually excited to work with another guitarist. I want to give mike a fair crack. He makes some interesting choices and I grew to like his version. Played that track (the audition track) tonight and that instant “yes mate!!!” Moment when he kicked in - bearing in mind we haven’t been in a room since March. It was nice to have that buzz. He’s awesome in that super chilled, laidback Mediterranean way. Nice guy.
  6. Forgot to upload this...this is Mike, different approach. Took me 3 listens to “get” it. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CJ1kqgfjjNvcwtX-R43kuaHuOIaSuXld/view?usp=drivesdk
  7. Maurizio came to play with us tonight... great guy, gave some good ideas. we have Mike next Wednesday, unfair advantage as we’ll be back in our regular space. actually debating having two guitars...we’ll see. Will be a tough choice if Mike does well.
  8. Volume, pickup blend, VTC (pull for preamp bypass - so basically a passive Jazz) stacked Bass and treble.
  9. Go Thunderbird - the neck through laminate construction costs more to make than the set neck of the embassy. Wonder if there are any for sale used? Also - the classic IV (predecessor to vintage ones) is a nice bass too.
  10. Mrs T gets grumpy if we don’t. Happy wife, easy life. It’s no chore, plus if I don’t do it - the postman/milkman will...🤨
  11. I’m not worried, I keep my swimmers sedated with plenty of vino. 🤪
  12. No. I was going to have it done last summer and iris got ill. Jenny then said “don’t - just in case I change my mind...” 🙃
  13. I used to call my original MM “The Shittenbacker” on account of the pickguard bearing a fleeting resemblance. Then I owned a Ric. And then I called my Marcus Miller “that nice jazz bass which plays and sounds good”
  14. Well My learned friend... Sadowsky Pre battery lasts years. If it were to fail...it has a very smart pull pot on the tone control which makes it completely passive and still has a tone control. so while I see your point...it has its own “airbag” built in.
  15. I’m on 4, she keeps on saying “one more” I keep on pretending to have a headache...it’s quite easy to pretend...I do have a permanent one. This is Maggies latest...
  16. Debating the pickguard being simplified into a one piece. It looks a little clunky with all the extra screws...dunno.
  17. Thanks mate. Love these basses - I will say while there’s a bit more control over the sound, there’s not much in it with stock vs £500 worth of electronic wizardry. Will try to knock a video comparison up tonight when the warring factions have gone to bed early.
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