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Everything posted by AndyTravis

  1. Thanks. I’ve got selling to do and a project Marcus Miller to finish first. Was hoping someone would offer up a bb414 or 424x as trade fodder.
  2. I’ve just played through my 3rd Ashdown. It was ace. For the 5 minutes the kids let me have...
  3. I know I am a terrible guy...(and I italicise things inappropriately...I’m like a shite comic book villain)
  4. Yeah, they weren’t metallic under the burst - wasn’t the true paisley foil type finish. Was like a print underneath. Not great.
  5. They’re great - the pre gets a bit angry if pushed, it’s a bit extreme at the top. I had one and found that I mostly used it set flat (so basically a 414). I’d say they’re worth every penny of up to £300 or so, they crop up at £180-£250 quite regularly.
  6. Will listen to realistic/reasonable offers on this 👌🏼 bump
  7. That would go so badly wrong if I did it 😂
  8. Think this is a no go for now...think
  9. You need to get my miller so I can get one of these 😉
  10. Lovely Korean Ibanez HSS guitar - I’ve had it a good while, and belonged to a good mate before me for about 10 years. Couple of little knocks, but plays and sounds great. This is just to fund more bass gear. comes with a fender bag. can ship in the UK be about £15. Trem arm is seemingly permanently affixed, I can’t remember if it’s something to do with a grub screw. Have used this loads in lockdown. But will be getting a Lucille (always wanted one) in the next few months when finances allow.
  11. Will it fit some doors in the side of a garage and Soundproof it for free?
  12. Might just do it. Wanted one in black paisley since seeing placebo live in about 1998/9
  13. Needs a paisley/clear pickguard. who has them.
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