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Everything posted by AndyTravis

  1. Will entertain offers and trades on this - just need to unlock a bit of cash to sort a niggle with the car.
  2. I nearly celebrated buying it several times over the last year since using an AEB live.
  3. Trades an option? Loved the ones i ordered in for people when i worked in a shop all those years ago…
  4. Hope you prefer it to the bass you know I need from you 🫣😉
  5. Just seen this on Facebook. Really fancy it… Skint. GRRR
  6. Balls. Like that. Nowt to sell, nowt to swap…Yamaha BEX is sweating as we speak…
  7. FFS. Would love it. 2 issues, one geographical, one financial… and…I have a perfectly good amp 😂
  8. Post payday I’ll be wanting one…blummin timing 😂🤦🏻‍♂️
  9. Very bluddy clever this lark
  10. Hahah, just noticed I’ve knocked £499 off my original “I’m getting one” ah well.
  11. I’ve resigned myself to the fact I won’t be getting one. Id love one. I think even as much as £3500 I’d go for it. but £5k is a big fat no.
  12. The 414 and 415/614/615 have shallower necks too… hence my 414 stays
  13. I found it a bit “muddy” in comparison- quite “dark” - but I think it would work with my current band…
  14. Gibson 8mm truss tool (box wrench)
  15. Mellow rounds - TI do rounds too - I had some n a bass for a while, felt a bit rubbery as thomastiks can.
  16. I left mine on the east setting. Easy.
  17. Erm. TC Nether - Having owned multiple OC-2’s I started looking for another. Damn they’re expensive for what they are…gone are the days of a £55 Taiwanese OC-2. Anyhow - this does the same job…within reason. Really like it actually. The Zero Fret - Dod Bi-Fet pre clone with built in Fuzz (2 stages of fuzz)… Honestly, the mightiest bass fuzz I’ve heard; does well for warm fluffy drive as a pre…also works beautifully for guitar. Hopefully @walshy forgets that I have it… Korg Pitchblack - Decent tuner came up cheaply and completes the board. Missing is the Dunlop volume pedal - it’s massive and won’t go on the board so I forgot to photograph it. Cheap PSU, no mad big draw on any of the pedals so this will do for £35.
  18. A Korg pitchblack tuner… I will post in pedalboards as my little board is now complete.
  19. https://on.soundcloud.com/Gr2vtjQ7Zah7TL6G8 There’s a hole in the sky… Just randomly played a bass run and thought, I like that for the composition thing… so it’s quite an early entry, but I enjoyed doing it - that 6/8 push pull tension, fear of a hole, in the sky… Shergold, Yamaha guitars (Pacifica/FG acoustic) and some synth pack on GarageBand… I give you… ”Hole in the Sky”
  20. Waiting for me to find £1200 down the back of my couch
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