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Everything posted by AndyTravis

  1. While I can’t afford to pursue the plan with the natural - I’m not destitute. When I owned my old MM - I used to tape over the bridge pickup polepieces, I seem to press into the strings and catch my fingertips on the raised polepieces. Now I’m older, and wiser - I can see the pickups aren’t sealed into the covers. So - to eBay... Had to buy two sets - but at £4 a Chuck, not bothered in the slightest. Probably won’t need the neck pickup ones - but might do if there’s any “clicking” from contact. my Sadowsky doesn’t have raised polepieces on the j pickup, so it doesn’t bother me - but on all of the stingrays I’ve owned it’s been an issue too. Just got soft hands 😂
  2. The natural one has had a tough life. There is a plan in place and it’s all been agreed - then the inevitability of life finding a way to dash the plans... It’s not over though - just on hold.
  3. Might be - you know it’s rude to mock the afflicted don’t you? 😉
  4. @GisserD love that pro tone. Brother had a strat from the same series - great guitar.
  5. Yeah - weird how some paint makes something stand out...
  6. These plugs have just arrived. Look ace - one is such a good fit - you could fit permanently or 3m double sided tape in place from behind.
  7. 217th update of 2020 😉
  8. Think the white one is 2004, natural 2003. Not even getting into trying to date them off serial numbers...the white one shipped neck off and had what looked like a date of October 04. So I’ll go with that.
  9. Weird one. Natural has domed chrome “tele” knobs, the white one has flat top P Bass ones. Minor, insignificant difference. Also, natural has the decal up near the string tree like MM’s actual bass, the white one is in a more “standard” position. God bless Fender 🙄😂
  10. I put a wanted ad up a few weeks ago for a White Fender Marcus Miller. I had a MM for years - gigged it regularly and loved it. My ex got into financial troubles and we had a brand new baby. I duly sold off about 15 basses I’d amassed over 13/14 years and quite a few left through basschat. My old one went to Nick Smith (of Enfield/Grainger Guitars game). He sold it on and the trail goes cold. I’ve bought and sold a fair bit recently - and still missed that Miller Sound. So, sure enough I set out to find one - I really fancied a white one this time. They’re like rocking horse poop. I’d narrowly missed a sunburst on here...a shame. Like busses...a very clean 2004/5 white one came up on Facebook (in Portugal...) and as all arrangements were finalised and I paid the guy, a natural 2003/4 one shows on another FB page - 3 miles down the road. It was rough, but very reasonably priced. So I thought “I’ll go for it...” 2 for the price of...well 2, by the time shipping, insurance and currency charges from banks are factored in on the white one, I’ve paid the going rate for 2 MIJ millers - even though the natural was A fair bit cheaper than the white one. As a side note - I had so many messages telling me that people had Sires for sale - that they’re “better” and I should save my money by buying a Sire... I was also offered 3 USA 5 string Marcus Millers... I also had the “the preamp on the Fender MM is cr*p” brigade on - that I HAD to buy an East Preamp if I was adamant it had to be Fender. Do you know, I had thought about it...but really...I actually don’t want more to mess with and if used tastefully - the limited preamp absolutely dials in ‘that‘ sound (kind of the reason you’d buy a Marcus Miller bass really). There is a plan for the natural one. The car went pop on Wednesday and I’m picking it up today so the plan is delayed because I’m skint...This should become clear in time. My original Wanted ad IS still running for the last run of Millers made in Mexico - they had an 18v circuit, ran in true passive if the battery failed and had a different pickup set in them. They only made them for a year - so don’t crop up often enough for me to panic. There’s one for sale in Australia but I’m not getting into that. In the Meantime...
  11. When you need to escape a stricken soviet vessel...obviously. It’s happened to the best of us.
  12. Yeah. 100% what makes me think. Although, that could be said about any bass I’ve owned... good job nobody listens to me.
  13. I sometimes buy things because I drank wine...and then I sell them the day they arrive. See my feedback thread for evidence.
  14. If it’s half as good - keep the guild.
  15. Had a Guild B30e - absolutely 100% gutted I don’t still have it. It was stunning.
  16. I’d risk the bass porn call out - rather than the ridicule of being clocked on tinder. ”who’d want you, fatty...” she’d say.
  17. The company who took over Dawsons last year sold the properties the company owned...and set about flogging gear at discounted prices they’d bought at a lower valuation price upon acquisition. All very shady and slick.
  18. It was toe curling when I left 6 years ago - really an odd place to work. I still managed 12 years.
  19. Even better that it’s back in the hands of musicians rather than Asset Managers or Clueless non-muso’s.
  20. https://www.getintothis.co.uk/2020/05/dawsons-music-saved-by-manchester-entrepreneur-from-going-out-of-business/ Great Local firm - an established MI retailer has salvaged the company and staff. Made up for all of my old colleagues.
  21. It was bass into sonic port - just to DI the bass into the camera/phone. No amp models or anything. An envelope filter was off an ME50B I have for rare occasions I want a reverb or volume pedal.
  22. We did a song in June last year - the bass pushes the tune - while it’s not an overly technical part, it’s one of those parts which if you lose the thread; you’re goosed...the rest of the band sat and watched me in the control room. Obviously in the spirit of “banter” etc, they filmed me and were gooning off to wind me up...nailed it in two takes. And not for mistakes - just so he had two takes. The guitarist (who’s now left) took 30 or so takes on a guitar part for the same song. I listen back now and feel my part is a bit robotic and “going through the motions”. in response to the OP - I was a huge Novoselic fan, I liked his gritty, rubbery bass sound. Lounge Act from Nevermind is still one of my favourite basslines. The isolated bass track makes very little or no sense without the other parts - the drum track and bassline sync together wonderfully - the Dave Grohl/Nevermind version much more than the “Bleach” sessions version.
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