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Everything posted by AndyTravis

  1. @Bridgehouse I defretted a G4M 5 string acoustic bass a good few years ago. It came out so well - I was really proud of it. I then sold it to a guy who’s still gigging it with a jazz trio. I have bucketloads of pictures and hints if you need them. I also have some rosewood which worked amazingly well for filling the slots - should you need it.
  2. It could happen - I’ve just replied to a PM asking for a sale/shipping in UK. A recent sale to Europe cost about £70 insured just as reference. That’s using Eurosender/DPD. Andy
  3. I’d have a second P/J in a heartbeat - Ash/Maple though, just to justify it to myself 😂
  4. Logo wise there are a few changes they implemented as the ranges diversified. Sadowsky + NYC/Guitars NYC for American Sadowsky + Guitars/Metro/Metroline/Metro Express for Japanese ones - early ones don’t have the VTC preamp. Sadowsky + TYO/Tokyo - Doemstic Japanese models. then we’ll start to see Metroline German and Metro Express Chinese... All very confusing. Sadowsky Metro/Japan are deemed to be very similar, NYC models benefited from weight relief from mid 2000’s but the electronics etc were the same - NYC was basically custom shop, Japan like a “standard” line. I own a Metroline HPJ and have owned an RV4 Metroline - I’ve played a couple of NYC’s. Quality is the same - and both of my Japanese ones are/were fairly light anyhow. The later 2015/6 to 2019 seem to be the closest to NYC - but they’re wonderfully made instruments. in short - NYC - limitless custom options and weight relief. Metro/Japan - standardised features, no custom options.
  5. From original sales thread - 43mm at the Nut Bass weighs a trim 9lbs on the trusty bathroom scales From This Morning...
  6. Apologies, didn’t see it was in lefties x
  7. Exactly that Luke. Exactly that - the guy even specified a serial number and finish 🙄 And yes - I landed a gig during lockdown.
  8. Well...a new gig has landed and I might need to shift this or swap for a fretless of similar vintage...
  9. Literally had this 3 weeks. Opportunities like this don’t come up often when I have money so I jumped in. I have also recently bought a Sadowsky HPJ which I’m in love with - Hence the P fettish. It’s lovely - lots of honest wear, it sounds great with flats on. I’ve gone through a hilarious journey of buying pickguards and things. To be clear - this will sell with the original Black 70’s pickguard. Case is Original (Pretty road worm), everything original on the bass - apart from a refret done in last few years. I did ask the seller who did it but he didn’t know - it’s a very good job. Sounds mega - can be heard here; The logic is that after a side by side comparison, I can achieve a similar if not near identical sound with the Sadowsky. I’ve also just taken a gig with a singer songwriter where I’ll be using more fretless - so a fretless equivalent Precision or more modern fretless japan precision or USA standard fretless precision would work with cash my way. It had a prang in the neck which I’ve done a little infill on - it’s not invisible but feels 10 times better than it did. A gorgeous bass. Serial Number denotes a 1975 bass. The pot dates show 1976. I can only presume the bass was made in 1975 and the electronics made it into the bass in 1976. God only knows. Anyhow - some pictures are from the basschatter I bought it from @bouvier. Some are mine. I’d much prefer this be collected - with social distancing observed - in Manchester (M27 postcode). I can ship - I think Eurosender did Teeside to Manchester for £30 insures to £2000. I’ll be keeping the tort...hopefully to put on a fretless p. Would not Rule out a 2nd Generation (Mexican) Marcus Miller jazz Bass as a partial trade - or a Japanese one under 9.5lbs.
  10. Just bought a 75...which (depending on a new gig) May also end up for sale...
  11. Working on a track today with fretless - started thinking...the 75...the fretless 77 Jack is selling...DO I? DO I? hmm.
  12. There’s a whole thread about these - half of the people on the thread say “ooh they look nice” and half of the people on the thread say “urgh, more bleedin fender clones”
  13. It was the best example I could come up with at the time. I don’t mind it.
  14. In Manchester it means “not nice” like - “no way marmite is rank mate”
  15. It does - there’s a guy on Facebook who’s turned his sons drawings of animals into photo real abominations... It’s like the same guy gave his son a Warwick custom shop calendar and said “draw these son” and then did the same process
  16. Right - I’ve read this thread a few times. heres my suggestion. tune the bass up to desired pitch. slide some masking tape under the strings - behind the nut. dab some clear nail varnish around where you want the silks to end. then get a craft knife or scalpel and trim the excess silk off. should stop the fraying and mean the silks all match. someone mentioned heat shrink tubing too. nice idea. Each to their own.
  17. wow - lovely. Very similar to a 77 I had. And in much better nick than my 75! 😍
  18. Well. This is lovely. Woo. He’s ok - I’m sure he’ll end up quite a gifted player 😂😉
  19. I’m sure these came up about 3 years ago. I wonder if it’s a new batch 😂😂😂😂😂
  20. Good. Means I can sell my kidney while you mull it over.
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