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Everything posted by AndyTravis

  1. Think @lee650 was thinking of moving his gorgeous 424 on. If I was more flush, I’d have it off him. Not sure if he had second thoughts.
  2. Hahahahahahahaha. Ah...hah. Ha. Oh you... Will just scuff up a 5p now. 😉
  3. Posted the link earlier - would be surprised if it’s still there. Apparently G4M have stock.
  4. They will fit, might not be super tight like custom built, conversely may be a midge too tight. Go for it - sounds like an ace idea.
  5. Ah man. I miss mine - didn’t give it enough of a chance really...
  6. Wow. That must’ve been a right toe tapper! Hopefully a swift recovery for you mate. Can’t do myself much mischief while painting...
  7. One for sale on a Facebook group... https://www.facebook.com/groups/BassPlayersMarketUK/permalink/3194948023850137/?sale_post_id=3194948023850137
  8. He’s done more than some - at least you can tell if he’s on a record. My mate toured with him when his son went off to play with the smashing pumpkins, he’s no slouch on the bass at all and said it’s surprisingly tricky to get it right on some of those lines. I admire the bloke - by his own admission could barely play and went to the upper registers so he could hear himself and be heard. I like him - there’s also the Hooky BB coming soon. I can get on board with that.
  9. I had thought that too - it’s a nice tort with a wide bevel which is what I was after. If it’s a Fullerton rather than 66, I still didn’t pay over the odds so it’s no great stress to me. Short of carbon dating or photos of this pickguard prior to the Fullerton reissues existence- there’s no way to prove or disprove. It’s got some age either way which matches the bass. I’ve seen mid 60’s tort similar to this on my travels...it came off a 66P brought in America a long time ago, I would have to delve into @billge’s brain for more information. And that 3rd hole - I have faith in my man 😉
  10. I like this - kept all the original bits handy
  11. Mate at the Apple Store just called me and said “should be with you tomorrow or Wednesday” - nice when he’s sorted friends and family discount.
  12. Right, lost my rag with the clicking... Wallet out. getting expensive this bloody isolation
  13. Checking in To see if anyone’s made the “that can’t be right, I’m not on it” joke. oh good - all’s well.
  14. They oxidise as the get older and can look almost black
  15. Angle of photo. Looks pretty spot on more or less forward facing.
  16. Love that. Had one for years, sold it stupidly...
  17. I’m bored, and i’m half watching Star Wars and half drinking wine. These P’s are 👌🏼
  18. I thought this had gone. Genuinely shocked it’s still here mate?! Mental amount of bass for the money. A lovely seller too.
  19. Changed the pickguard on mine...
  20. Well, a little half hour in the garden. It’s nice - ignore the Lawn...trying to let it recover after the kids slide was left on it. ”it’ll kill the grass that love, will look shite when we decide to move it...” ’no it won’t’ point proved - obviously it’s me who now has to sort...
  21. GO ON! sorry - that was a joke, and in hindsight, a crap one.
  22. Love the classic 50’s. I had a blonde one for years. Sold it to buy the sunburst. Didn’t happen for some reason.
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