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Everything posted by AndyTravis

  1. Kay Precision copy. gift from my cousin’s fella who’d painted “Fender” on the headstock... this was 1997
  2. We’ll see...I’ve effectively got £5000 worth of his gear. Maybe he will soon...
  3. AndyTravis

    MB1 Feedback

    Another sale to Martin - done with distance of the garden path... Lovely lovely man, as ever.
  4. My new mate Rog (he likes it when I call him that)... Just casually exchanging e-mails, discussing favourite ice cream flavours etc. He’s coming for a brew when all this lockdown business is over...
  5. Will see - my two are the last batch, so hopefully any leftover stock would be more recent.
  6. Didn’t see that bit, bloody hell.
  7. B/E/A/D/F#/B your tuning is a Bajo Sexto tuning...
  8. I don’t care if it’s a legit 62 p bass for £4 - the “@@@ wow” means I would never go near it 😂
  9. I’m a font of useless knowledge. If I could apply it to something useful- I’d be a frigging danger to the world of science and future industries.
  10. @eubassix now that’s something, did you sell it? i remember thinking they should’ve been a bigger deal at the time. Lorenzo played at that bass day - as did Hadrien Ferraud who had a signature windmill too...
  11. They were made in Germany - I’d say 2005-2010 there were A few models, the Jay Tee (a Jazz with 3+1 headstock) and a model called the spitfire which was like a chubby Jaguar with a mm/p configuration. They exhibited at bass day UK in around 2007. I had it in my head that they evolved into another brand and disappeared. They were nice basses. And this is a bargain.
  12. I had the original rm800 with a 210/115. Ferocious amp.
  13. I’m being good - the 550 was tempting. I’m really happy with my setup at the moment - I will change to a 2nd 210 and the new RM800 at some point.
  14. 01 Ever played a gig sitting down? Yeah, a few acoustic gigs. Few radio things. 02 Ever gigged on a different instrument? Yup, Guitarist/Singer. And keys once...awful. 03 Ever shared a stage with a musical hero of yours? Nope. 04 Any fan ever had a tatoo of your band's logo? No. No Tattoos. 05 Ever signed an autograph in a dressing room? Yes, was very drunk - but not as drunk as the girls. 06 Ever cried on stage? No. 07 Ever worn a hat on stage? Most of the early 2000’s. 08 Ever gigged with a band you hadn't met before the gig? Yep. 09 Ever been in a relationship with a fellow band member? Nope. 10 Ever played in different bands on the same day? Yep. 11 Ever had anything thrown at you while playing? Nope. 12 Ever crashed on the way to the gig? Nope. 13 Ever left a band over the choice of set list? Nope. Have left bands after the set list arguments became tiresome. 14 Ever slept in the venue despite it not being a hotel? Yes. Although it had been in a previous life. 15 Ever been supported by a band clearly better than you? Yeah, a few times. 16 Ever played a gig suffering from some debilitating medical condition? Drunkeness? Nah. 17 Ever been in a band where the guitarist was your favourite bandmate? No. Always prefer drummers. 18 Ever played in the grounds of a stately home? Yes. 19 Ever injured yourself on stage? No, well, a cut off an errant guitar string snapping. But I wasn’t injured. 20 Ever been told that your bass isn't loud enough? No.
  15. Although...this...(Sadowsky Tokyo MM4) makes me confused and excited...
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