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Everything posted by AndyTravis

  1. @Al Krow have you not seen this yet? just sayin...
  2. I’ve resorted to setting fire to all recording equipment 😂
  3. And I’ve used the Bass Doc a couple of times for more traditional pickguards. He did me a white pearl and a black BB pair.
  4. All of these bits have been done by @TimAl who trades as gig.ink He’s actually become a good mate - he’s a genius, if you’re after custom design stuff - absolutely fantastic.
  5. @sshorepunk I recall that ray. Nearly bought it off you I think.
  6. Well, I thought I had it all sussed. Recorded a few little bits with the now functioning Sonic Port and thought - I can really get some stuff down while the band can’t rehearse. These are little basic 2 minute demos, no big production numbers. Set everything up, signal, recording, add the little drum loops in - which are really handy. Then it happens... Press record 1/2/3”pop”/gap/4 - recording half way through the first bar Sometimes make it through the first two bars, sometimes 1 bar...sometimes get a full take and it flips the end off the take. Its almost like it stutters, not really that handy when you’re trying to be creative. As you can imagine it’s turning the air blue, and being a bit of a technophobe it’s stopping me in my tracks. It didn’t do it when I was working on little things last week - just getting reacquainted with it - managed 2/3 recordings with loops and Line 6’s amp modelling running. I thought last night it was because the phone had gone into battery saving mode. But no, on full charge today, it persists. The Iphone is and XR on latest 13.4ios. I suppose I could delete GarageBand and reinstall. It did do this before ios13 rendered the sonic port useless in October time. I wondered if anyone else had experienced it, or if I can change settings/do something better or different. Google doesn’t seem to throw anything obviously similar to my issue so I thought I’d ask here. At this juncture I’m wondering if the iPad version might be better - although it’s an expensive “what if”. I know other programs etc are available, but I like the “all in one box” neatness of GB with its drum loop packs etc. Thanks if anyone can help.
  7. @EdLib-3 love that acoustic. For once I’ve no idea what it is...
  8. Think the one for sale here looks to have DiMarzio Upgraded pickups... It will be a stonker!
  9. Maybe a mod can just come in and remove comments including mine so the nice OP can just get on and sell the bass.
  10. Hope you’re good mate. Was about 7lbs with omega bridge - 6.9 with fender bridge x
  11. Love that Amber Forte.
  12. I had one of these - it weighed about 7lbs (which OP had stated) And my question was - was it the one I’d had...did I sell it to him. My recollection of the exact weight was a bit off. Hence “around 7lbs”. I feel now it’s derailed his thread a bit. You win though mate - I’m a clown, I get it.
  13. “About 7lbs...” Not “exactly 7lbs” although...it was under 7lbs having now rooted through my photos.
  14. I’m sure they made more than 1 red one... 🤔 Also I didn’t sell with a flight case.
  15. Is that the one I sold? If so it’s ridiculous! If not - I had one of these, about 7lbs...and it was wonderful.
  16. A decent wipe over would’ve helped those photos. the pickguard will have protective peel off film on it. £375 including bag. BOOM!
  17. Get it at £375 if they’ll chuck the bag in...
  18. Argh man. I want another one of these with some flats on it. Miss mine.
  19. I will look into it - if I go for an iPad...I’ll do it a bit more in depth.
  20. Looks belting. But I haven’t done 5’s for about 4 years now x
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