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Everything posted by AndyTravis

  1. In all of the fixing they also seem to have debugged garage band which used to cut out half way through a take when using inter app audio (mobile pod) - really makes the process much less frustrating. On Mobile Pod there’s a nice modelled “valve pre” now which wasn’t there earlier - means not having to adapt guitar amp models to suit.
  2. True. If I buy as much as a pint of milk in the next 6 months I’m getting a kick in the jewels off Mrs T. but...
  3. Buy a sadowsky...that’s where I’m at, taken 23 years of buying and selling to realise that either Yamaha or Sadowsky are the answer. @Al Krow is about to be in the same boat...
  4. But hopefully I’ll pay more attention before replying next time - sorry 😂
  5. Hello. There’s a Yamaha bb404 for sale here. Buy that - save the bother of looking for a Squier. one sec - I’ll find it - I keep on going to buy it...but I don’t need it. Waiting for someone who does need it - that’s you.
  6. Hello. There’s a Yamaha bb404 for sale here. Buy that - save the bother of looking for a Squier. one sec - I’ll find it - I keep on going to buy it...but I don’t need it. Waiting for someone who does need it - that’s you. one sec...
  7. Keep both hands above the bedsheets...just in case
  8. It’s uploading. Don’t count your chickens: this is half way through bottle 2. Iris has already done a better video and she’s asleep (her 2nd Birthday tomorrow btw)
  9. In response to the previous video... I’ll do something less tasteless tomorrow - I’ve drank wine now so...it’s a no go.
  10. @bassfan and I discussed the preamp before. I did a video - it’s slappy. I’ll put it on the Sadowsky Gas thread. But direct into the interface - sounds awesome.
  11. I won’t say anything...ok, I will, a bit. no offence to ACG. One man’s “tasty” is another man’s poison. Go for it sunshine 😆
  12. There’s only one answer... I’m always right, you know this.
  13. @Al Krow you really can’t get the sadowsky thing from a helix. Helix gives you cooties. So I’ve heard.
  14. I’d love the Gibson, but in all honesty...I wouldn’t ever play it enough to justify it.
  15. If it was p/j pickups I’d be up the creek without a paddle...
  16. You know my balls are between two house bricks for the jazz going and two Sadowsky’s in a week...
  17. it’s alright - I’m sure you’re understanding x
  18. Mine holds 7, 6 basses (one sold awaiting collection) and one little Ibanez SA which covers any guitar parts I do (would prefer an Epiphone Lucille - but won’t spend on one)
  19. That fender is tempting mate...but the HPJ might be a bit nicer...
  20. I like the idea that if my rack is full I have to sell. Think it holds 7.
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