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Everything posted by AndyTravis

  1. Oh and they’ve got dot inlays...swines.
  2. Oh god. everyone hates sunburst and tort, p/j’s and Fender shaped bass which aren’t fenders... looks like my 2 new additions are just 2 piles of firewood 🤪
  3. Someone’s doing a better offset tele bass anyhow - and have been for years...
  4. Get that order in to Japan before they stop postage...
  5. They are at a fair old angle...
  6. It has a bass solo. It’s also great fun to play...
  7. Club Tropicana by Wham!
  8. Hmm...😊
  9. Have seen these on Instagram a fair bit. Just...nah...
  10. Looks like a nice tort that 😉
  11. He always comes across really well on Facebook - I really enjoyed his phase of winding up cold callers...
  12. still hate looping pedals. In the absence of a band mate to join in with - I’ll persevere.
  13. Yeah seems right - so that Topline really is just track on top of track like an old tape deck?
  14. That’s awesome. Now just need a little interface - if the line 6 doesn’t work!
  15. Yeah that too...
  16. These are ace - love them. There’s one on eBay at the moment but the owner has screwed a thumb rest into the body at a really unworkable angle. Such a shame.
  17. Ah the “I’m a clueless twunt who got a belt sander for Christmas” relic. Nice.
  18. Just used this - €64 to send a £2500 bass insured to Czech Republic. Don’t even have to print the label!
  19. I’m hoping to have an epiphany with the line 6
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