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Everything posted by AndyTravis

  1. That’s really something Warren, congratulations x
  2. if it works… bridge lift/split - very rare, but i have seen it. truss Rod works…8mm box wrench (like a Gibson) the machineheads are usually rattly - that’s a quirk. Just live with it.
  3. Been on a while that… Looks cool. but not on the danger list for me.
  4. This would’ve been EMG’d and lake placid blue with a Pearl pickguard 💆🏻‍♂️
  5. There was one in Liverpool for £100. now somewhere else in Liverpool for £200. there was a 90’s bb350 for £60 today… I messaged the guy the second I saw it…but it was gone, obviously 😫
  6. Bb414 is a kind of bb1600 reissue
  7. yup. I’ve been walking around feeling like shite with a properly sore throat all day 🫤 - grim.
  8. It was an absolute pleasure Andy. Great fun - having been in similar positions before myself I was totally with you on the ride. I must admit - had it not gone home with you (it 100% would have…with someone) I was actually thinking how to pay for it myself. A very cool bass.
  9. So I could’ve stolen this and you wouldn’t have minded? DAMN!
  10. If they’ve changed the headstock on the godin A4 alike. I’m goosed.
  11. They were - I first met @skelf in about 2007 at a Manchester Bass Day. I was a much skinnier young oik then. I spent this morning saying hello/catching up. The basses on the stand were INSANE. So beautifully made. The necks are honestly some of the best I’ve ever touched - I didn’t play them (dangerous territory I fear) - but a J type 4 in the purple to blue would ABSOLUTELY suit me - and they’re so well priced; I’ve not a clue why I’m not already in the queue. Also met his better half who does some stunning finishing work. Lovely lovely people.
  12. Oh MAHHHN! Now…one minor error I only have Speakon cables. I have ordered some Speakon to Jack so have to wait. Im reliably informed by Walshy who says it’s a LOUD amp.
  13. They fetch decent money. Send me some pics in a PM? Andy
  14. I have to start bloody preparing now in anticipation
  15. And from now on in @PTB will be known as “Disco Inferno” Paul nearly fell over laughing as I tried to remember how to play it - you were absolutely smashing those basslines!
  16. We had a right old time doing the P-Bass Time Machine 1963-1973. I must say that hearing everyone from Basschat made me realise that I should stop sniffing Yamaha finishes from different years and start practicing. Some serious talent on these pages!
  17. You’re still a better man than me. Honestly, we would’ve sold that bass 3/4 times over if we’d got the damn stingray cloner machine to work in time. Very very envious - very happy for you Andy, and it’s got a great player as a new owner and a bloody lovely bloke to boot. Have a great birthday. I’ve just got home - was wonderful to meet so many Basschat alumni - we had the best time ever (even though i suffered all day due to the Tequila incident at the hotel bar last night). It was a great show - rumours abound that a shift more towards bass next year. I’ll be there as a punter or as Paul’s “Debbie”. @walshy has just stopped at Leeds. Fair play - I don’t envy him. Now to unload my car. Thank you to everyone who came to see us. My favourite was Mark (Mojo) - “HAVE YER GOT ANY ORANGE YAMAHA BEE BEE’s ON THIS STAND” - I howled laughing and crapped me kecks at the same time.
  18. Hey, I’m just a man…a man with a particular set of skills… I’m just working on next weeks lottery numbers.
  19. It never is - if you do manage that, you’re a better man than me.
  20. With @walshy hope this is ok @Kyndainverse
  21. An absolute pleasure @Kyndainverse that bass is an absolute peach!!! Very jealous x
  22. I won’t be hard to miss. I’ll be stood next to @walshy in one of these
  23. Guitarist shacked up with drummers Mrs. That wasn’t easy. Guitarist was my brother, Drummer my best mate…I was in a tight spot… All worked out, all mates again now, think the girl moved to Australia.
  24. Shonky photoshop aside - this should effectively be the rig…
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