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Everything posted by AndyTravis

  1. Yeah I’m totally on the same page. I’m just thinking good songs are good songs. It’s pointless throwing money at it, can’t “buy” good tunes played well...a crap song well produced is just that.
  2. Band recorded a nice EP last summer. Didn’t do much with it, I wanted to push it more, typically the band didn’t follow suit and it’s now just another cruddy release nobody heard and nobody cared about. The guitarist didn’t do as much as a “share” on Facebook. Singer only has Instagram and didn’t do much with it. Drummer and Myself did some bits. But we’re not doing as much now. Rehearsals have stagnated and gigs, well...lots of festival applications with no replies. I know the music’s alright, I’ve been at it a while. Drummer is now wanting to blame the lack of “production” on the EP as to why it didn’t set the world alight. And wants us to Chuck a grand at recording one song. So some guy can say “add some shakers on the second verse, and play acoustic guitar on the intro”. I’ve said that £1000 could be better spent elsewhere if we “produce” ourselves. I’m not really making headway with them, singer says no to £1000 bill. Guitarist says he’ll go with the flow. Singer has just said the conversation is boring and said we should do it at next rehearsal. I’ve muted the chat. I don’t know what they want from it all, youngest member is 34, 3 of us have kids. All have full time jobs. We ain’t gonna be signed on a mega bucks album deal, sounding like RHCP being covered by Level 42 with John Mayer on guitar... It’s boggling my head. Has anyone employed a producer? I had to work with 2 different ones when I was in a signed band and they really p*ssed me off. And the songs didn’t improve much past well performed version of how we’d worked it ourselves.
  3. Well, the courier may have played basketball with my new 210, the horn was damaged. Heard a clunk when I placed it in the boot of my car tonight. Quick investigation...yup. Horn is broken...still attached/in the circuit...but not to the fascia plate. Quick e-mail (at 7.40pm...) and a reply “one is packed up and will be with you tomorrow...” Also given the option to send the cab back to sort - but I’m happy enough to do 2 blobs of solder...
  4. My mate won tickets to se JS at the Manchester Apollo a few years ago... Brian Beller on bass. Same format. We got to about pint 6 and stayed in the bar. First time I’ve ever seen someone aim an iPad at the stage, recording...and watching the gig on a screen.
  5. They’re very nice gentlemen@Ashdown Engineering I’ll have you know; they are only “terrible” when paid to be...🦹🏼‍♂️
  6. Whoa!!! Hang fire. My catchers mitt was ready last week! if @Bassassinsells me his Washburn I’ve been after for years...I’ll let him off...😂
  7. Ah was going to interject with “Colin Greenwood” but then I realised it wasn’t Radiohead...
  8. The song “King For A Day” off Synkronized was aimed squarely at him if I believe what I’ve read...
  9. Well...new cab day...still orange bb
  10. Debated this one with @Machines and @Cuzzie we all agreed it was a steal, but couldn’t justify it. Glad it’s gone to a reputable home.
  11. this is the one I’m always on the lookout for...should’ve bought this in 2000/01 but it had a preamp fault. Bought a Spector NS-94 instead. But I’ve never been as in love with a bass as this...it had “tune guitar technology” in gold on the neck. I thought it was the coolest bass I’d ever seen - been playing for about 3 years at that point. This was Korean and about £500
  12. Even worse, it was while cleaning up after the cat that I missed it. Fuming as it was well within budget.
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