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Everything posted by AndyTravis

  1. Nah, I like it that way...I’m rubbing one out while reading it over and over.
  2. I did. And have. Hence the -1
  3. flipinell mate... don’t sugar the pill eh?!
  4. Available on all platforms x
  5. Not enough space for me - but I know you’re an awesome player so I don’t quarrel with you sir.
  6. Played two kingbasses side by side...one had that narrow spacing. Grim.
  7. This is sold guys x
  8. Not for me, looks “dumpy” and the controls/switches are too much. a compromised signature model... I also wish they’d sort out the pickguard on their standard model. “Can’t figure out what to do here...” ’just draw a straight line mate...’ They feel lovely, but can’t look at them for too long.
  9. It’s good mate - I await your message x
  10. Yeah, just shy of a Sparkle - waited a long time for a lava red 🙄
  11. And this is “the one”....
  12. The Farida twins aren’t “worth” much...so that would be a pointless sale.
  13. Getting rid before I get too attached. It’s on eBay at £500, so £400 here. Came to me needing a setup and is now perfect...one minute dink on the hook of the headstock. its a brilliant p and does that billy sound just dandy... shipping can happen at your cost and arrangement, would come in a tweed fender bag. collection in Manchester preferred.
  14. I’m going to have 2 less soon. Maybe more.
  15. See jazz post...🤮 @walshy @funkle
  16. Been a journey this bass. There really isn’t anything to describe the healing and pain I’ve been through with this bugger. Bought from a very good friend @three years ago. I bought it to get myself through a messy separation, sold it to pay for my wedding and bought it back to celebrate the birth of Maggie. Life really does dictate I should get my affairs in order and I’m playing less than ever - I’m debating amps, effects and other basses as I go. so, Here’s the best jazz I’ve ever played, owned, felt...looked at. Its early 2000’s and a complete 1 off. light, resonant and just perfect. The neck is 64 jazz width, 75 P depth - a total curiosity, but it’s amazing. Just a bit more in the hand than a 60’s jazz. the neck is exquisite - flame, Birdseye/quilt. it’s a relic, done tastefully. Olympic white nitro, with a matching headstock. As with the flea, don’t tell me I’m a nutter, I know I am. Collection is advised - shipping can happen at your arrangement and insured is requested. my heart is beating slowly as I type “submit topic” bloody sad.
  17. I really don’t want to. The jazz is looking at me with sad eyes too. don’t know if I can do both.
  18. I have to get my ducks in a row. I might list the White Jazz too at some point. I’m playing less and less, the band isn’t moving forward. I have a relentless set of bills and with no lottery win on the way... I got this last year. A plan 20 years in the making. Cost me a great bass and a bank loan to get it. Its a 2001 flea, the badass, gotoh machine heads, Duncan/Modulus pickup, Aguilar preamp. some minor dinks and knocks (but nothing shocking) and looks ridiculously lovely - very hard to photograph as I never managed to capture its loveliness. the case is battered, but original. I’d prefer collections. but will post at buyers risk and cost (insured only). Can’t believe I’m doing this - but, please...please don’t tell me I’m mad etc. It’s stinging enough as it is...
  19. I knew you’d know mate 😉
  20. Is that the “Rocco” one?
  21. It’s not an orange 414
  22. He never sold it? @kevin_lindsay knows the man himself and I’m pretty certain he still has it.
  23. Those neck plates crop up on 1990’s MIJ fenders quite often. Seen a fair few.
  24. six. Well, 7 but one is the most halfarsed project ever and is sort of sprayed around a mates house... will probably have a big cull soon and end up with 3.
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