Been a journey this bass. There really isn’t anything to describe the healing and pain I’ve been through with this bugger.
Bought from a very good friend @three years ago.
I bought it to get myself through a messy separation, sold it to pay for my wedding and bought it back to celebrate the birth of Maggie.
Life really does dictate I should get my affairs in order and I’m playing less than ever - I’m debating amps, effects and other basses as I go.
so, Here’s the best jazz I’ve ever played, owned, felt...looked at.
Its early 2000’s and a complete 1 off.
light, resonant and just perfect.
The neck is 64 jazz width, 75 P depth - a total curiosity, but it’s amazing. Just a bit more in the hand than a 60’s jazz.
the neck is exquisite - flame, Birdseye/quilt.
it’s a relic, done tastefully. Olympic white nitro, with a matching headstock.
As with the flea, don’t tell me I’m a nutter, I know I am.
Collection is advised - shipping can happen at your arrangement and insured is requested.
my heart is beating slowly as I type “submit topic” bloody sad.