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Everything posted by AndyTravis

  1. Yeah you did. But I took that as well. so I’m #1 in that queue now
  2. I held that ticket for 3 years, it’s only fair I swapped it for the bass...eventually...
  3. Haha. It’s staying. Stress not...although I know there’s a queue of vultures lined up 😂
  4. Erm...nope. They need to stay hidden 😂
  5. I’ve not been playing much over Christmas, busy with visitors from Australia, kids, a poorly pair of grandmothers (one who actually passed away On the 2nd Jan) and just loads going on in my head. i think I just got Bogged down in “do I need all this stuff...” territory. Appreciate all the replies and thoughts. think the fender Power Jazz selling has lifted the guilt complex a bit.
  6. Off to Belgium for this bad boy. cheers @koval123
  7. It is. Had an hour with it earlier. Bonkers good. Plays so well
  8. Ah see. I miss my MM - I swear if I find a later Mexican one in white I’ll be buying it.
  9. Been around a while that one: the guy is one hell of a player.
  10. You’d need some balls to take on the mods. Could get you the sack...
  11. I’m Just chatting with a fellow BC’er...I know this is a real “first world problem...” Just mulling it all over.
  12. The nice thing about the white jazz is that the pickups have a lovely warm sound, so I leave the tone control wide open all the time. If I’m playing “slap” stuff, I use both pickups on full. If I’m playing fingerstyle...roll the neck pickup back a bit. Easy...
  13. Yeah, 22 years in and the white jazz has just stayed the most “special” bass I’ve owned.
  14. Taking both to rehearsal on Monday, will record two songs with each. And will review
  15. Had one, for years...used it sparingly. Not the best...better than the bespeco vm12 I had recently. Not in the same league as the Dunlop one I should’ve just kept.
  16. Having a proper wobble over this actually. had a bit of a mad day and was only discussing with a good mate that a bass sale wasn’t the be all and end all...😳 I’ve had a drink or two though. So...
  17. I’ve wanted a Modulus Flea for years. Have got one... Then there was a thread about jazz basses not cutting through. I’ve had my 64 custom shop for years and it’s the love of my life other than Mrs T. Listened to the recordings of rehearsals with my 64 CS and the rehearsals with the modulus... Erm. The Jazz sounds perfect. And the Modulus sounds cool, but you can hear I’m messing with the bass control a lot... Well. I feel a bit stupid right now.
  18. Just listened to a gig where I used my jazz. has totally put me off track as I thought the modulus flea was a better fit...reality is that the jazz sounds loads better in the band setting. errrmagehherd....😳
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