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Everything posted by AndyTravis

  1. I sold a Roadie 2a for about £850 a few years ago. I suspect it’s a speculative price.
  2. Not sure. I’m trying to sort a shufty at them - doubt it’ll happen before Namm... Looking at cab options for my RM too so could just use it as an excuse to be nosey.
  3. Well, yeah. Just like fender “it’s the same 4 models every year, emperors new clothes...”. Damned if they do, damned if they don’t. Here’s the thing though, there are 2 familiar shapes but there are variations of short and extended scales. There’s something for the rock kids with the fenderbird, and the p/j is a bit of a quirky take on a familiar set up. So if they do a short scale Jazz type - they’re covering something fender did for a bit...and now don’t. I dunno, I’m looking forward to having a mess about with them - Hope the P is nice.
  4. Here’s a thing. Get a p, string it BEAD and see if the notes are less defined etc... or...use the smith. Or the bbne2... 😉
  5. @Al Krow haven’t you got a huge selection of basses? just choose the one with the best b string and use it a lot... if anything the last 20 odd years of bass playing has taught me in all realms from bedroom up to festivals... string spacing, pickup placement, bolt on, neck through, 30/32/34/35 scale, flats or rounds...all of the gubbins people drone on about; none of it matters... Are you comfortable, can you play it, can you hear it? Nobody in front of the stage gives a toss...literally. They think you’re a guitarist. If you play it and their bottom shakes - you’ve done your job. Dont stress about the minutiae. Just do what makes you happy - if that bass or pickup isn’t working for you; get one that does. just my 2p.
  6. If it’s staying black, it’s getting a ghostbusters sticker on it.
  7. Well...they were sort of fender shaped...and had EMG j pickups...But they had all funky carves and bevels... The headstock could’ve been better. I think the lack of shape to the bottom of it was an error of judgement for sure.
  8. Thing is they tried that with lodestone basses and all the great reviews aside I don’t think they were best sellers.
  9. Apparently these are prototypes and a couple of niggles to be sorted before namm. Prices will be in and around Skyline Prices. Think if they do the P in LPB with a matching head, I could be in bother. Obviously a nod to John Entwistle who was big buddies with Ashdown. And a short scale Jazz, as well as 34” and 35” 5 string...
  10. So Mark Gooday and Dan Lakin have been doing some basses together it seems... they look nice, sort of D.Lakin:Lakland vibes.
  11. This thing plays brilliantly. I can’t put it down... when I get this jack socket fitted...I’m going to be in a right bind...it’s time to have a think...
  12. I have a 64 CS, and knocking back either pickup introduces a little hum. I have the Duncan Vintage Stacks in 2 other jazz basses and love them - do think about swapping them from time to time but the 64 sounds so lovely as it is, I’d rather keep as is and live with the minor hum.
  13. Would have an original one, but the reissue they did want for me. Don’t know why. Think they should’ve done it in black, or put a maple board on the natural one.
  14. Maybe ocean turquoise. Keep it fairly dark but still a bit of colour...
  15. Lake Placid Blue keeps on saying something...or a lime green metallic
  16. I’ve messed about with the jack socket as much as I can stand. It’s been fine for a couple of days after being cleaned out; it’s gone crackly again. Ordered a Neutrik replacement. Also, the action was great, but I felt it was a little high at the bridge end, so without much travel on the saddles left, I added a small neck end shim just to give me the option. Holy crapola - this thing plays amazingly well...
  17. The little thumb rest really throws the look off. Bit daft.
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