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Everything posted by AndyTravis

  1. Ordered one for the shop I used to work in. I left well before it arrived... Came back to try it. Wasn’t as good as I’d hoped. But I’d like another go.
  2. £20?! Rude not to. I assume I can bump into some of you lot if I go on my own, doubt I will convince anyone to come with me 😂
  3. And this - the BB-4 Very nice looking bass...
  4. This was a very nice addition last year or year before, but they were nowhere to try...and not cheap enough to buy blind.
  5. I was thinking Richard Jones from stereophonics...do they still describe themselves as a three piece these days? There are so few bands who’ve actually made any money in recent times it’s just like “guess who”. surprising they’ve give out enough detail for people to guess...weird.
  6. Really fancy a try of one of these. They look great.
  7. Oh yeah it was a fancy one with cocobolo lid and lights...so it was an SC deluxe. Crazy heavy for a small bass
  8. I did a deep on the fly a few months ago... knew the set list...”I’ll do it” sez I. all in different keys. Mad egomaniac guitarist having a solo at each vocal break. awful.
  9. Always felt the need to buy an F and sand the spiky bits off - it’s a nicely proportioned body.
  10. Well this lad with the lakland is very excited and had 1st dibs, if not I’ll let you know. I’m really thinking I should pay some chunks off debt.
  11. This one is lovely, just like my CS jazz. Slim but round, bit of depth to it (my CS is 64 width with 75p depth...) Debating what to do - there’s a potential trade in the offing for a Lakland, but if it doesn’t happen, keep and refin is an option. Can’t deal with how black it is.
  12. I played a Clarke brown bass which was tiny, but 12lbs, so that surprises me.
  13. Yeah they’re nice, but the logo/headstock bit too 🤟 in saying that, they make a nice bass.
  14. Quite common to see 21 as an overhang on fender types. My Farida has that
  15. 21 should be the standard...open e lowest note on a standard tuned 4 string, top E on the G string at 21st. 22 seems pointless... 24 I get. only thing I don’t like about my jazz is 20 frets.
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