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Everything posted by AndyTravis

  1. I’ve seen a few decent shots of it, it’s a nice metallic. LPB always wins for me.
  2. Wish they’d done white blocks and binding, could’ve been tempting
  3. Excited for a metallic blue. Then the black block inlays ruined it. Just like when they did ice blue metallic last year. anyhow. I’m out. yamaha did that blue a few years ago and called it Shelby blue.
  4. Looks like moderately competent copy...apartment from the Christmas tree bits.
  5. She was involved in drugs before BB. Think it was a cousin who started her off.
  6. In 2010 she was on a tour, it was plagued with health deterioration and I recall a few shocking videos came out where it was obvious that WH wasn’t at her best. Her band ended up in my shop in Manchester and they were really fed up, their gear was all in storage and they had had issues with soundcheck delays, cancellations across the entire tour. They bought some instruments just to get them through, keep them playing while they waited for the call to say she would or wouldn’t be pulling the dates as they basically travelled around...waiting. Think they played 2 dates in Manchester and she cut one performance short and then was really off colour and gruff/weak on the other. Then the videos came thick and fast, I’m sure there were folks demanding refunds. She was at a real low ebb. Tragic. And I had always admired her talent, and absolutely always fancied her, a very beautiful lady. They're doing one of those really creepy Holographic arena tours in 2020.
  7. Lovely stuff - just sold Pete something. It was nice...I enjoyed the process. I’ll sell him more things I think.
  8. His had a plexi neck too
  9. The one he has above is a nightingale, the crimson one is ugly as sin. miss the one I made...😕
  10. My guy is perfect to a click but on certain tracks it’s nice to build or have a bit of ebb/flow in time. Don’t want to sound robotic. Guitarist has some lovely delays but taps in if needed. the tremolo/vibrato stuff works well when planned out.
  11. Our drummer runs an earpiece for certain tunes, others we allow variance but usually sit around the same. we record all rehearsals and discuss tempos, if somethings off we use the click at the next rehearsal. but our guy is very good and in rehearsal will stop or change/signal if it’s not right. Its about to be firmed up though as he’s going to be triggering samples which will require timings to be good.
  12. Peavey GV or Yamaha TRB5PII. Ultimately the GV won because it weighed 3lbs less than the Yamaha and sounded just as lovely - albeit a little different.
  13. I had 2 in stock when I worked in a shop, had my heart set on one of them and it got sold on a day off. Think I could’ve had it for about £650, maybe less. It was between that and a super light Nate Mendel, so I ended up with that instead. This was about 2012. The Nate is long gone unfortunately.
  14. It looks like a lovely bass. I know I sound like a baby when I say I prefer the more traditional shape of these to the other models...if I’m honest a tort guard would balance the darkness of the pickups too. I’m not sure yet on the £50. Not yet.
  15. @Bassface Yamaha bb is a saved search anyhow 🤔
  16. There it is! Wooooohooo! Sims do a mean sparkle...
  17. I think @Baceface that it’d be be a lighter blue. Maybe LPB or more like the orange ones mate
  18. I know. It’s the fact that I didn’t expect to be the top bid. And I’m sure it’s lovely, but I have no need for it. Dangerous with half a brain me.
  19. Ssh. Credit card is twitching. Need to move on the Fender I bought the other night after too much wine. Then...I’ll do it.
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