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Everything posted by AndyTravis

  1. Dealt with this seller once. never again. Think it’s the single most bizarre buying experience of my life. I still to the day can’t express how sad it made me. No matter how good the bass was, it was a shite experience. The bass I bought was originally listed at £725, I agreed £400, ended up paying £280 when I saw it and sold it soon after for £300 after making it loads better. I don’t like to call people out and make a fuss, but this guy is a bit of a crook to be honest.
  2. @Mikey R he’s bought one like mine today, Sod’s law x
  3. Have sent him a link, he’s a bugger for pedals
  4. Hang on for a minute mate - my guitarist is trying to nick my QTron Mini (bigger box) so he might have this
  5. Don’t be sad @Teebs someone has to keep a little flame going for a bit of the old slappadabass. if it makes you feel any betterer the next two songs we’ve recorded have plectrum and fingerstyle playing.
  6. Ah. There’s a fair bit to come. I’m trying to revive it as a thing...
  7. Angled headstock, no string tree. I thought you’d approve...
  8. Oh god 🤮 cum brûlée @bigsmokebass loves it.
  9. Didn’t seem too much to me, but then I owned a guild b30 for a while 😂
  10. Well, in a former life I was a guitarist/singer (always been a bass player) and I still enjoy a bit of noodling on a guitar. I also used to switch between bass and and acoustic tuned B-B (I had a lovely J-45 for this) but as I’ve downsized etc, I’ve sold all my 6 strings. Went to PMT today to get a new multi-stand. and tried this wonderful beast. just sounded lovely - I played a Taylor iteration about 6 years ago and thought “jeez I wish there was a nice £500 version of this”. And here it is. Debating 9m interest free, or shoving it on the recently cleared CC. definitely got itchy palms as I drove home.
  11. There’s a nice orange 414 on eBay at the moment - very cheap https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F264431054772
  12. Got to find me a blue/green one...GAK sold one recently (so it seems) wonder if it’s on here somewhere.
  13. Haha, I’ve probably played this at some point as the prototypes were shown to dealers well before they were announced. I held off as there was a promise of a limited run of bb3000’s which I never saw - although they did exist. very lovely
  14. Well, had a 20 minute play through my amp between decorating stints. very nice. Happy.
  15. £250 in Manchester when I did the pub covers thing a few years ago
  16. Think this was referred to as the “dead on 58” longhorn by Danelectro.
  17. Ordered some amber reflector knobs in anticipation of this arriving (hate the strat knobs...) looks loads better
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