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Everything posted by AndyTravis

  1. I bought one of the Arias, and I think a few have gone since the enfields started arriving
  2. Yeah sorry - appreciate that, thought he’d see it.
  3. It’s Nick Smith, The Bass Doctor (think he’s still active on here). the ric comment is a running joke as everyone keeps saying “all those basses, and not 1 ric?!” When there’s one next to his bonce.
  4. Who was the bass player? Not defeated yet and won’t rest until I know what it was you saw
  5. Oh and Nick, I can’t see a Ric. And you should’ve put them on stands.
  6. The know this Meme is doing the rounds again, causing Nick a bit of a headache, bless him. I think @cetera needs to replicate it to take some of the heat.
  7. I had one and should’ve kept it. In saying that my new RM500 does more, and sounds ace too. Think I’ll have to source another and get a 410 this time, the 408 was lovely but think it needed a 410 for what I was trying to get out of it.
  8. When two people are very much in love...they share a ‘special hug’...and nine months later... oh, the thread?
  9. I used to work for a very well known high street retailer. In about 2000-2003 Regularly had Posh and Becks in, we gave them free clothes. If they were spotted in heat magazine wearing our t-shirt later that month, we’d sell out. Apart from the time one trainee manager allowed becks to have a load of stuff off the Levi’s concession stand...didn’t see him around much after that. Cost about £500 worth of engineered denim (twisty jeans...)
  10. Got this in a trade - works well, but occasionally “blips” like there’s a dirty contact somewhere. i have a local guy but he’s away until September and I’ve bought something else in the mean time. taking a big hit on this - but it’s a good pedal and they sell between £50-£60 so if you can’t fix it yourself, you’r quids in, if you pay someone to look at it, you’re probably still quids in. Price includes postage in the UK.
  11. Bought this recently, it’s alright - not required anymore as I’ve inherited a Boss unit. not the broadest sweep, and needs a bit of switch cleaner in the pot. I have some, but we’re moving and I’ve boxed it up somewhere. £10 posted in the UK.
  12. It’s a re-bagged stagg bc300 - they’re 34”
  13. True. It’s the arthritis. Can only manage half an hour these days...
  14. Now I’ve had your pep talk; i’ll Think of you as I do it.
  15. I plan to take my pink Yamaha in hand and give it a damn good spanking in front of an audience...
  16. No, luckily guitarist is a capable singer too so he does all backing vocals. I just get to swag about with my pink Yamaha 😉
  17. Those days are long gone - was a ‘singer’ for a few years...
  18. Thanks mate - I think if I’m honest, the last time I did a gig where the bass “took the lead”, the singer I had with me made a fuss over everything I did.... ”and on the bass...Mr Andy Travis!!!” “Check out that bass line!!!” ”watch out for the bass on this” She did the same for anything the Guitarist did too - we would of sacked her, but it was his Mrs. It was really cringeworthy - put me right off being showy. Now I’ve landed myself right in the middle of Blood Sugar Sex Magic territory type bass parts...totally unfashionable, but Was solely doing it for a laugh. As you mentioned before - since the new drummer has come along, things have gathered pace and actually sounds really good - so it’s got more serious!
  19. I haven’t enjoyed gigging for a while - well, I haven’t gigged in a while... But, prior to the Hiatus (while we got used to our youngest Daughter and her level of need - a very bleak prognosis has actually ended up much better than hoped; odd heart attack inducing trips to hospital every now and then) I hadn’t enjoyed the covers/function/wedding gigs I had done. So, on the 18th of August, the new band has a gig. All songs are from ideas I provided to the singer (I’d been in a Motown band with this guy until i “quit” music). It’s all really bass heavy, really funky...and after a second studio session yesterday, I’m kicking myself for writing such mad baselines. I now have “i’ll F*ck this gig up” in my head... A weird mental block to have as I’ve played big festivals, big venues all over the show in the past...I suppose it’s because it’s heart on sleeve time - and it’s all so oriented on the bass...
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