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Everything posted by AndyTravis

  1. Did another run out with it last night. Sounds so full...handy, as the guitarist got stuck on a slow train back from London and missed rehearsal.
  2. Is this an original finish? Love the colour
  3. Yeah, would need to be 9-9.5lbs at most
  4. Reni came in to my old work testing out the Roland TD-30 kits around the time of that reunion. What a drummer - very musical. And Mani came in from time to time. both lovely blokes. One of the Piano salesmen chucked Ian Brown and his kids out though, oblivious to it all - I nearly died of embarrassment when that happened. me and Dave the Manager apologised profusely...he laughed it off “he’s got a stick up his a*se, him” or something to that effect
  5. https://reverb.com/au/item/2392511-edwards-e-rm-95da-ikuzone-signature-model-sparkling-blue
  6. It’s an esp/Edwards. go on Ishibashi, they usually have a few for sale.
  7. Always amazes me the shock and awe I’m greeted with when I say I don’t follow football. My lad does and obviously that means he plays in a team. The parents all discuss the ins and outs of the premier league that week while the lads play and I genuinely have no input. Mrs T has become quite the follower (which is nice, good that we join in with his hobby) and I must admit it eventually boils the fluid in my eyes when it becomes the sole topic of discussion...I’ve slyly got him into WWE wrestling (pulled all of my 90’s WWF figuers out of my mums loft) just so there’s another topic - not because it’s any good. But there is an assumption you’ll just love football if you’re a bloke. And there is a train of thought that it’s ‘wrong’ not to like football. My eldest daughters mum was a mad Manchester United fan, when I met her extended crowd I was asked who I supported “nobody, don’t really follow football...” ‘what’s wrong with you, are you gay?’ A genuine conversation - so many flaws in the response... Anyhow...I often defer to this
  8. Then I assume I bought it off you on eBay 😉
  9. I don’t need the money from it and it is cool. i’ll get The attitude special gone...
  10. Yeah, I’ve been having one of those weeks. feel like chucking it all in and going to live in a hut in the woods.
  11. I get this thing where I have to get something out of my system... i need a spiral saddle bridge and a chrome bridge cover...and then i’ll List it.
  12. It’s not that big a trouble. Just a time constraint thing. Like I’ve said now it’s more or less complete, I might sell it on to someone who will get the enjoyment I nearly had from it. Home/house/kids are the priority, foolishness to think otherwise at the moment.
  13. A tiny bit yeah - angle of the photo also doesn’t help, need to reset the neck a little towards the bass side... But in all fairness I haven’t had the time. having looked at it more...I think a bridge with threaded saddles would sort this. i’ll add It to the list of stuff I don’t want to buy...should’ve done it in the first place...
  14. Had been delivered to a neighbour yesterday
  15. I know. It’s bloody lovely. but...it’s not going to get used. Not in a rush yet. Want to keep that sound for one song while we record.
  16. Haha, erm. its as far as i’ll Be taking it. A change in drummer means that extra bottom end is a bit redundant and only seeing use on one track. i have the vintage 80’s skateboard/wings sticker arriving which cost way too much for a sticker. it needs more time than I have to get “bang on” so it’s turned out to be a very expensive reality check. it sounds great and plays really well. but to make it 100% would take a luthier an afternoon and me, well, probably a day - but I’m sort of spent on it. with the house move coming up, I have too much sorting and packing to do. As well as keeping the 4 youngsters entertained and out of harms way. I’ve sourced a beauty of a shell pickguard as I wasn’t happy with how it turned out around the pickup. The likelihood is that I’ll offer it for sale as a project and lose a couple of hundred quid.
  17. I told you ages ago and said “put a preamp in it” 😂
  18. Options...and maybe it’s cheaper for them to keep doing the same bridge they’ve been doing since the 415 rather than re-tooling and changing. If my old 415 and 425x were anything to go by, I’d say it’s a good thing.
  19. Wow. I passed it by as one of the cheaper models. What an asshat I feel.
  20. Anthony Joshua is fighting that night too. Although I suspect ring time will be about 2am. it’s also my birthday and I won’t be fit to play a note 😉
  21. Wasn’t there a zoot bass made in Japan for a bit? Is this one of them?
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