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Everything posted by AndyTravis

  1. I’ve worked like this before - isn’t much fun. guitarists changed every 2/3 rehearsals etc. But, it paid well.
  2. The death of the last band was the singer. Lovely bloke, but a pain in the ar$e to work with. Myself and the drummer walked on the same day…speaks volumes. Maybe we were a bit precious in the end - no matter, what’s done is done.
  3. well, I’m going to wait for the bass less versions of some tracks to come over. this is another thing I don’t miss - waiting. my in-built impatience and expectation for others to be the same. I know that’s my flaw.
  4. Good to know. going to dust off the fretless too - be foolish to go in with something comfortable… 🥴😂
  5. Well I’ve found a really decent indie thing - reminds me of Echo And The Bunnymen. going to do them some demos tonight - feels like a change will be as good as a rest, instead of “let’s play funky stuff”
  6. Well… got a full inbox off that of which 4 different replies where there’s interesting stuff I’ll record bass over and see how I feel. I’ve got a week off work, so it’ll keep me busy, and off the ale - that’s a new thing, massive reduction in booze. Possibly explains changeable moods. I appreciate all the comments and perspectives. The wife is also supportive “you can’t not play Trav, that’s part of who you are” etc. which is nice.
  7. Spurred on by this thread… that “thing with old strings” I recorded https://on.soundcloud.com/CaawHCXeeB1A2gmN7 for the curious.. and seems I want to give something a go
  8. To be fair - you always seem to be busy, I admire the updates but also think “god that’s a bit much” 🫣
  9. Was this not a billy cox signature?
  10. Worked in an ESP dealer a few years ago - these are bloody great basses!
  11. I’m sure I’ve red similar in Nile Rogers autobiography. “Couldn’t hit the right note with a baseball bat at close range…” - I’m paraphrasing.
  12. This is often a row in our house. MJ from 1990 onwards did half mimed half live vocals. Mrs T is a huge MJ fan. Saw him live twice as a kid and had tickets for This Is It etc. She won’t have it that he mimed half the set. Not that it’s blatantly obvious. Anyhow - It’s paying for a spectacle isn’t it? I know Whitney Houston’s last performances were scrutinised and picked apart - the “everyone has a camera” generation have killed gigs. I went to the Last Domino tour and thoroughly enjoyed it - imperfect vocals and all…but a lot of people were less kind and shared videos with shoddy performances from the same tour. I do wish she’d put her ar$e implants away.
  13. That’s a lovely thing! wallet says no. Even at this lovely price.
  14. Far better than I could do mate - does it pull towards the bass side a bit, looking face on do the strings pull a bit over to the right? Were the tuner holes pre drilled? looks ace though - simple and clean.
  15. I always really liked how these looked. Surprisingly…never owned one.
  16. Ah well. New strings… a little bit of fun. then proceeded to record something with a bass with old strings 😂
  17. @LukeFRC that was the most bizarre metaphor. I got it though. my lad (a city fan…🤮) is hinting that the sky blue bedroom and “Etihad Stadum” road signs etc are destined to go soon. And @three you are wonderful as ever, far too nice to me 😂 I actually restored an old Framus for a mate this week. During that process I bought spare strings. im going to spend today restringing - something about new string day always inspires. Then I’m at a 40th where an old band mate is due to attend. We’ll see.
  18. @LukeFRC that’s it, 27 years I’ve been obsessive. Maybe I’m burned out 🥴😂
  19. @CJPJ yeah, I’m totally at ease with it. Agreed to work on an arrangement with a couple of students at school - they can’t believe their head of year is an ex muso. But think I’ll pass the torch to younger Trav (eldest daughter) - not a bad bassist at all.
  20. On bass/bands/gigging etc. I was just mindlessly scrolling through “bass guitar” search on eBay. And the wife said…”oops, is that a box turning up next week?” My response (without much thought) was “nah, no point - sort of given up now haven’t I?” And that didn’t make me feel sad or anything, it just came out and it was a realisation that I have a couple of basses, no amp, no band, no desire to gig…I’ve played for the sum total of time it took me to d*ck about for the composition challenge this month - and the same last month. I’m so lazy with my playing, I don’t do it for enjoyment anymore and I have no aspiration to do any playing - sort of a blanket writers block, but for bass playing. No plans to sell up what’s left, but I haven’t bought anything new for about 8 months which if you know anything about me…has to be a record. Just wondering if there are just people who’ve hit the same wall - I’m sure it’s been covered before. I spend more time floating around bass websites than I do with playing. I suppose a few recent projects falling flat has eased me into this state of “meh”.
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