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Everything posted by AndyTravis

  1. I’ve asked tentatively about a ctm in something a bit different. Just hope my pockets are deep enough
  2. You heard the man @Ashdown Engineering
  3. I asked if the amp head was optional, I reckon this is a tester. They’d deffo do a bigger head for you if you asked nicely. Think the stubby is phenomenal, but I agree 30w might not keep up for some. still kick myself for flogging the ctm 15 I bought from @CalDeep in candy apple red.
  4. Yeah, we’re hopeful she’ll walk, but this is more of a ride on toy with the advantage of ‘normalising’ the idea of a wheelchair for her. We’re mindful she’ll require a chair for when she’s tired, so this will just make it part of her life. She’s giving it a good go in fairness. As she gets more used to it, her arms will grow stronger too - she’s struggling with core strength for crawling and such. So this should help.
  5. Think that’s the joke, or at least part of it...
  6. This has just arrived from Germany. Very cool. She’s just getting the hang of it.
  7. They look ace in black since they put the white cones in them. i reckon they’ll be trying a few colours.
  8. That blue modulus is broken - I’ll fix it for you, I’m an expert in graphite neck repairs...that’s goosed mate. I can see that from the photo...
  9. I want this with every fibre of my body
  10. https://ashdownmusic.com/products/ctm-30-ls-sfg-rig limited to 50?! How will I decorate my new house with them?! have asked if the 410/115 will be available. think it’s a dip of the toes before they do more (I bloody well hope it is!!!)
  11. Seen this? Looks fit. Would match my incoming purchase (also surf green). want to get my hands on a little stubby too. In fact, shove another 210 under that and I’d be made up. the white cones look (even more) amazing with the contrast. looks like an expensive want...
  12. In all honesty, I found with the 2 bb1100s basses I had (active/passive) I did a bit of set and forget. Given a couple of hours rehearsal, ear fatigue just meant I was making more changes, boosting frequencies and then ended up making matters worse. so I’d shove it into passive mode, and leave it be. I always buy active basses thinking I’m going to get something different to my previous experiences. And I never do. Think the exception is a stingray, and even then I prefer the 2eq ones I’ve owned (a classic and a 94) Each to their own - I’m not saying active Vs passive or anything. But after years and years of p*ssing about, passive suits me better.
  13. No doubt that it is. The kids wouldn’t enjoy it though, nor would the wife want me gone for 10 hours at the weekend which is our only time all together. Iris is pretty needy (not her fault) and the other 3 can’t manage themselves without risk of serious injury (Maggie particularly...)
  14. Nice try though. Unless you’re after offloading a flea in blue sparkle...
  15. That my friend is...erm...no. https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia1.giphy.com%2Fmedia%2FpPhYIDiYzOGSA%2Fgiphy.gif&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fgiphy.com%2Fexplore%2Fno-chance&docid=DVAQq6_CM-WA3M&tbnid=yDxZHhuXazDghM%3A&vet=1&w=425&h=228&hl=en_GB&gsawvi=1&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim
  16. I’m a few weeks into discussions over a fairly rare bass, the only stumbling block is the bass’ location. It’s an 8/9 hour round trip - those who know me will realise I don’t have 8/9 spare minutes most days... The current owner is a lovely man and has offered to meet half way, but still it’s not really feasible time wise. I’m looking into other options, but wondered if anyone from down that way does any travelling towards my area or could even assist with just getting the bass ready to ship. Thanks in advance 😉
  17. I used him for a pickguard once, he was really pleasant and did a nice job. But it seems not everyone has had the same experience.
  18. Yeah, the whole thing went balls up. Routinely things just stopped or changed without consultation. I got bored with it eventually. The second album being finished, then deleted, then started again. When I left they plodded on with a new guy for an ep and a single. All tracks we’d rejected for the second album. Their deal was cancelled/ended and while they’re still listed as a going concern...that’s not the case.
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