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Everything posted by AndyTravis

  1. The white BB is somewhere near Hull and now belongs to a lovely chap called Ken.
  2. https://www.amazon.com/MBrace-MBR-1-Mbrace-Guitar-Support/dp/B005IHLSTM
  3. Really? Thought you’d gone all gooey eyed over it again 😂
  4. A very nice 614 in Old Violin Sunburst has just come up in York on gumtree. unfortunately the seller wants about £240 more than it’s worth (and I think about £50 more than they were when new...) have messaged seller. Being ignored 👌🏻
  5. Well...they either do have a hole drilled in them...or some sort of clamp is mounted on the back of the guitar/bass. the quick lok ones I mentioned are more like a wall mount on a stand
  6. Although they may be using mic stands with adaptors inserted into the guitar/bass as they don’t look as cumbersome
  7. John Frusciante used to use on for ‘Venice Queen’ Marcus Miller also uses them for a fretless think Quick-Lok make them.
  8. My wife might not notice if I did my proposed swap. And I’m sure @bigsmokebass would get over it, eventually.
  9. Drawn a blank. There was aria sb404, 404/5 that was a neck through. there was a lower range mode which had a bolt on neck and solid metallic finish - I can only assume this is a middle of the range model.
  10. It’s not early 80’s it’s early 2000’s and it’s an SB model. i’ll get Back to you in a minute
  11. Cheaper alternatives are also available 😂😂😂 only Joking Grea... I reckon I could break in and swap them...you wouldn’t know.
  12. It was about 24 stone too 😂
  13. Think this was the 5’er I should’ve tried harder with...
  14. I’ve have a twitch now I’ve compared photos...
  15. I’ve owned loads of 5’s, just don’t need one at the minute. Thought I’d share a very reasonably priced 425 in case anyone was looking. theres a 424 in the same finish starting at £125 but that’s got a bit of a prang on it. But I keep looking at it thinking “I’ve repaired worse than that” - but it’s collect only... edit - @Reggaebass that’s the one. About 5 pictures in, theres a big ding.
  16. https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F273833215333 nice. There’s also a red 424 I keep on looking at...
  17. Having a wobble on this. It looks lovely on my wall... but I think I need a couple of pedals and another 424/414
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