Ah - ballsed up:
The “hilarious” Flamenco plates arrived - and instead of the manky, trashy white/cream plastic I wanted - they’re clear.
Far too understated.
Luckily, I’ve returned them to swap…
A postage mistake to the tune of a tenner - for a visual joke. Knobber.
Also, now the bass is settling…I’ve realised - in my hasty sanding, I’ve flattened off a spot I didn’t want to in the fretboard…🙄 so unless I want a ridiculously high action - I need to get a 9.5” radius block (based on a fender jazz fretless radius).
The last time I did this it was a brand new 5 string with a very flat fingerboard - not sure I’ve worked enough of the 40/45 years play wear on this one yet.
So, before recording - more work to do…
Wish @Andyjr1515lived around the corner.
I’ve still not braved the nut yet.