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Everything posted by AndyTravis

  1. If anyone is put off by the tuner, I have the parts to make it factory again,
  2. The finish “bora blue burst” has a folder in my computer...I want a sadowsky in gloss bbb with a maple board and clear pickguard. i came close - glad you got something special though mate, it’s beautiful and you’re a deserving owner.
  3. Well. That’s me thoroughly peed off 😂 if it’d had a maple board I wouldn’t have stopped myself...
  4. Long before my married days I used to have different girls in my phone as 1,2,3,4 - it was great, like shag roulette. But I don’t give basses numbers either.
  5. Bubinga and flawless, wish I’d given it more of a chance. I had more basses in that time than I care to remember. It was just a shite band I was in, not the bass sound which was the problem.
  6. I sold mine for about £1300 4 years ago
  7. He was mixed race, really really bad attitude. he would’ve been about 14 around the time i suffered him.
  8. We had “hairbear bunch” a big fat kid with an Afro and personal hygiene problem. and a massive attitude. Might still be the worst bass player I’ve ever heard - not because he was learning, just no humility no idea that playing fast and loud was no substitute for playing slowly, with dynamics - well... I remember keeping the Ernie Ball string and finish wipes to hand when he tried anything. it was his “birthday - next week” every Saturday for 3 years.
  9. After a lot of back issues I bought a stage stool for towards the end of gigs... It was about £80. And it was left at the Manchester Academy. someone got lucky the next night when they took it home...I presume.
  10. Honestly, I still chuckle. the kid broke everything he was bought. And it was always “shoddy” or “defective workmanship”. Dad was sound, but mum was a real shitehawk. the vimto bit of his name was hilarious.
  11. Bless him. He was called “Mr Toob” - we also had a nickname for other regulars. ”Nicky Vimto” was my favourite.
  12. I worked in a guitar shop for years. there was a guy, and to be fair I cannot be certain he was really on earth at all times. referred to guitars as ”naughty minx” ”sultry mistress” ”dirty little biztch” and described a tube screamer pedal (pronounced TOOB) as “the g-spot for valve amps”
  13. “Isn’t she a beauty?” ’nah, fcuk off mate’
  14. A guitarist magazine CD since referrrd to an amp as “little rascal” or “little scamp” - I never bought it again.
  15. No. Nor do I refer to cars or basses as “she”.
  16. Monosynth for me too. Nothing that exciting for me...
  17. “HI, I’m the bass player - I’m here about that snapped g string?”
  18. Mega reasonable, for the amount of creativity and work he puts in (he’s helped me with loads of stuff) - he’s a lovely bloke and we’ve gone from aquaintances to friends (well - I’d like to think, he probably calls me a cnut to anyone who’ll listen). he’s on here as @timal - but I’d assume he’s very busy 😉
  19. There’s no end to the man’s talents
  20. Yeah, definitely an option, will try them together at rehearsal and see which is livelier - will keep that for rounds, my gut says the white one has a brighter edge.
  21. I genuinely wouldn’t use the one in BEAD, and I’ve just discovered that the passive mode works without battery...so no “I need a backup” excuse...
  22. Just been playing the white 1100s. Theyre going nowhere. The 434 would have to be mind blowing love at first sight stuff to cost me either of the 1100’s.
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