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Everything posted by AndyTravis

  1. Had one of these years ago but made little or no sense with a preamp in the bass...I’ve got a lot of passive stuff going on at the moment and the band are starting to form a sound as it were and want to dial something in with this.
  2. Is Jools Holland doing the Piano one? “How to shoehorn boogie woogie into a Madness tune.” I’m being facetious... I’ve got this on series link, tried to watch the Stewart Copeland On Drums one, but littlest Trav has been really out of sorts and cried through most of it 😐
  3. With associated costs and taxes etc, I bet they’re making a decent living but hardly driving to work in a Bugatti Chiron...
  4. I quite like the look of their standards which have aesthetic like 60’s fenders, think they do a precision type and a jazz...they’re about £4K which is firmly in Fender CS money territory. The 10-15k models are Emperors and AJ Presentation Models which obviously take more attention. I’d guess they build about 600 instruments a year?
  5. Yeah, it’s obviously not for you @bubinga5 - if they’re trying to make a go of being (or are an existing) working band, the “hey lets jam” approach will be met with ‘but you learned the songs though?’ Having run 2 covers bands, and auditioned some members - i’d politely ask someone to leave the room if they wanted to jam (and hadn’t prepared). Now, in an originals setting, I’d love the “hey lets jam” approach.
  6. I really liked the previous model, never played one of these as it was announced around the time I stopped working in a guitar shop and have avoided them like the plague since (guitar shops).
  7. My cousin is 30 this year, she’s lovely, bonkers - but lovely. She knows how to pick ‘em if you catch my drift. At a Boxing Day party at my parents house, she says “Andy, my new partner is in the kitchen...he’s a bit..you know...” I’d been told that this guy gives guitar lessons. Anyhow, I’m carrying iris and gathering the other 3 kids coats and shoes they’ve kicked off (as they do at grandmas) the house is rammed with family and friends, some of whom have travelled from Indonesia and haven’t seen or met 2 of our children such is the nature of living 1000’s of miles away from family. Before I’m into the kitchen, a guy resembling Rik Mayall’s Young Ones character had a baby with Dave Grohl thrusts his hand at me “YOR ANDEH YOR PLAY BASS DOWUNTCHOR?” (Say this in Liam Gallagher’s voice in your head) subsequently I must confess to being the rudest I’ve ever been, but I had both hands full, I wanted to put baby in her bouncer chair, get the coats away and he was stood in the doorway I needed to get through to facilitate all of my desires (also where the booze was). I said “yeah, I do - I do other things too...” and pushed past him. Now, much as it pains me to say - about 15 minutes into the visit, Maggie who is 2 Cracked her head open and we went to A&E. Apparently he ran the same routine with my brother in my absence. I met him again around NYE and hated him more after trying to be civil. He berated my 18 year old cousin who’s lived in Bali since he was born for not knowing who The Verve were.
  8. Always thought he used a Rickenbacker 😉😉😉
  9. For balance, here are the 2 SB’s I had last year
  10. It’s on its last legs - moving in September/October - the new owners will inherit it 😂
  11. https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F123586097531
  12. Love the headstock shape on the newest models returning to the slightly slimmer outline - my 414 and the 1024/2024 was a bit chubbier.
  13. I had an ‘80 SB1000 and an ‘81 SB700. much preferred the 700 and wish I still had it. but the BB’s are much more my thing.
  14. The RSb is cool. they also make some beautiful SB-1000 exotic wood models for japan only, but they’re the same price as a Wal or Fodera.
  15. Been a long time since I posted on this thread...
  16. Not sold - removed from sale. Damaged upon arrival, sorry guys.
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