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Everything posted by AndyTravis

  1. I didn’t give it a decent enough chance - I’d had loads of work done on my back and I became obsessed with getting a lighter bass. It weighed in at about 10.5/11lbs and I couldn’t get on with it. it was stunningly well put together and the sounds were all there...just the weight. they didn’t do the Pii as a 4 string, otherwise I’d own one now.
  2. Christmas 1997, I got a Japanese bb300 in red, £99.99, dad put a £30 deposit down and payed the rest on Christmas Eve that year. Ive owned loads of Yamaha basses, my brother still regularly gigs an AES500 les Paul type (very 90’s pseudo retro thing). Ive had many BB’s, a TRB5PII and a BEX4C. Ive always had a soft spot for Yamaha basses, and I’ve owned 100’s of basses from £50 to £5000, and I think it’s about knowing what you’re getting when other brands can be hit and miss. I’ve got a custom shop 64 jazz which won’t be going anywhere and two basses which were made for me and live in a double case I use these to record with a lot. The bigger BB’s just sit right on me and I think familiarity counts for a lot.
  3. Found my trusty old Yamaha book... my BB1100s was made on 17th March 1987. there are 100’s of serial number systems. Crazy. The book isn’t that great to be honest, but gives some information.
  4. SG deluxe, around 1998/99 in a colour (I think) they called frost blue.
  5. https://www.sims.guitars/spray-shop/overview other spray shops are available 😋
  6. @andy67 was selling one at £450, eventually reduced to £300 a few years ago. so I was there or thereabouts. id want to pay about £300/£350 if it’s in good nick.
  7. That’s fit. i know that much. they come up on eBay a fair bit. Try not to pay too much attention to Japanese sellers prices. i would’ve thought £200-£400 depending on condition. oh and - Taiwan, about 1992-96
  8. Buy a used one and pay sims to spray it. Would be cheaper.
  9. I know... it’s a similar shade of blue though 🤓
  10. Yamaha did a colour called Shelby blue...
  11. I’m going to say Pelham blue...that’d work
  12. Wow, lovely - will put a donation in for the RMCH iMRI scanner in your name then if that’s ok.
  13. Hmm, he’s about to go back out with John Mayer isn’t he?
  14. Already put a wanted ad up 1 but this seems a good place to ask before I email Yamaha... Anyone got these spare x2
  15. “Four in none out” is my new philosophy. ”bb’s in, nowt out”
  16. You heard something I haven’t? could be dangerous
  17. If I get this bb200 for less than the £150 mark, I get the fretted 80’s p/j I want, and a fretless P project I fancy. we’ll see, it’s up to £70 with a few days to go. surprised really - but I put a bid in early, probably shot myself in the foot - but didn’t want it going walkies.
  18. https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F183602524888 to interested parties - this is well worth a watch. Doesn’t sit in with what I want at the minute
  19. I bought some roto 66 nickels the other week when I wanted some 40-100 for my jazz. I used to use them all the time when I was about 20/21. I have to say I’m disappointed, they’re just duff strings. I need to restring all 6 (soon to be 7) basses with the same sets soon. Where do I get good bulk discount? Might have to get in touch with my mate who has d’addario strings in his shop. NYXL’s bit of a treat.
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