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Everything posted by AndyTravis

  1. Very brief sample of sounds. It’s 99.9% finished - need to adjust truss Rod. But letting it settle with roto flats for a day or so. AUDIO-2024-01-01-18-35-29.m4a
  2. Probably. i did a Acrylic P once. Was 15lbs
  3. A mate used to go out with the sax player called Lisa in JHRBO… Its filmed in advance, and one year was filmed in August 😂
  4. Yamaha for the guy from exodus…
  5. I’m out. No point in pretending I won’t buy anything. I’m a knob.
  6. Yup. Exactly why I bought it. Isn’t it horrendous?! The bass equivalent of a ten to two-er. Beer goggles. Magic. BOBFOC bass.
  7. I was going to say. fabricate a band row with everyone you want to stay. all quit explosively. Then reform on the QT. nothing to be ashamed of. 🥴
  8. I’m only 2 glasses in this time. think they’re double sided taped anyhow. will do a placement test 🫣😂
  9. Oh aye…that’s me all over, I’m more Abe L’incapable…
  10. “The bass looks like a 1980’s nightmare…” IT DOES NOW!
  11. Think I’m going to do those Flamenco plates. Make it look like the 1980 jumble sale of a bass it really is…
  12. Between building dolls houses (literally the biggest dolls house I’ve ever encountered (5ftx4ft) Needs a little more refinement on the board. But my back and Eyes are saying “enough”. Cant find my glasses, or nut files. So I’m sitting down.
  13. Yeah - another thread (think it was on FB) on the mk2 EB being like the Bunny Brunel model led to me being “corrected” by about 10 people who told me about Bunny Brunel playing Carvin and ESP signature models. When I showed pictures of @Basvarken’s book and Kyle Eastwood playing a Gibson BB - there was no “ah, I stand corrected” or anything…I suspect it’s what life on that American Bass forum is like 😂
  14. I taught a neighbour “You Can Call Me Al” the other day - he’s a guitarist depping on bass for an events band. Bit brave…especially the solo… We ended up talking for a bit and I rattled off about 4 songs (basslines) from Graceland - really was a formative album for my playing. I’ve never covered any of them. Did hear a band murder YCCMA at a wedding last year - horrific.
  15. Fingers crossed - my current lot are just right. I think guitarist put it right “it’s like winning the band lottery”. All similar ability, all learn quickly and happy to leave each other to play our way. Open to suggestions on parts… So far, so good. The last band was me writing songs with a clear idea of what I wanted (not always what the song needed), drummer wanted more bass playing at all times, singer who made up new lyrics every time we played a song and would tell everyone how to play “y’know more wakka wakka, play simpler but with more parts, like faster but clearer…” and a guitarist whose catchphrase was “I’m staying out of it” No wonder it was a car crash.
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