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Everything posted by AndyTravis

  1. Debating 2hr round trip for a piece of nostalgia. my second amp. did Boxer 30 Boxer 65 Commando 15 then into SMC Ace amps
  2. Do you know. I miss my SR5’s. just listened to a batch of old recordings and I sounded better, played better and suited SR5’s. dummy move. I’ll have another soon. I hope. will have to be an early one, 90’s.
  3. Really tempting, but either an amp or a strat is where I’m going. Lovely bass though!
  4. I’ve had red and Pearl white @lee650 had the white, was fit.
  5. I love the look - I think the body shape would be too small for me. Not that I’m a big bloke, I just struggle with small shapes.
  6. Bump - seen a strat up for sale locally so this could do with hopping along…as much as I love it:
  7. Yeah, the red was on their instagram so gawd only knows…
  8. Ah. I didn’t spot that either - not that it’s an issue for me. but seems a bit STOOPID
  9. Was thinking about this before - no idea why, gives me ovation magnum vibes
  10. Just about to sit down and muse over the May composition thread…
  11. Well deserved - reply liked it, had a Gerry Rafferty vibe! Looking forward to the next instalment
  12. Never once bought Gotoh anything and thought “that could be better”
  13. This…I’m really drawn to it. Not the price… m and the new 4005 which there seems to be at least one of…(not the xx short scale)
  14. Yeah - I won’t be paying 2500
  15. I’m actually fuming 😂
  16. So…I spotted these a few months ago on launch. Think it was instagram. ”ewww! That’s weird…why would you even want one…” Ive been checking back in though and I’ve decided I really bluddy like it! Its a grower. And then today - this COR BLIMEY! Now, I used to sell Godin guitars, and my brother had an LGXT and a Radiatior model - they were ace. So I had a quick google to see if anyone had stock. So. That infatuation is over.
  17. That sunburst Enfield/Status has “Trav” written all over it - JESUUUUSSSS!
  18. I’ve actually just seen on a local news feed that the Lancastrian Hall (mentioned above) is currently on fire. Odd how I posted a pic of it today.
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