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Everything posted by AndyTravis

  1. You weren’t asked - really odd response. @bassjim I haven’t seen the MV basses in person,but I’m presuming they’re BBOT/Fender style. Gotoh bridges are ace - the 201 springs to mind, but they do a nice vintage one too.
  2. I was asked this question last night by a mate…my response? “Nah. I just get to sh*g a richer version of my wife”
  3. Sat on the couch procrastinating because I’m hungover from the celebration of my wife getting a huge promotion. mixing beer and wine is a fools passage.
  4. 13 at the (now awaiting demolition) monument to brutalist architecture Lancastrian Hall… Playing songs from a school production. my Yamaha BB300 (which weighed the same as a small house)
  5. Just found this gem on a hard drive…fuming I never did more with it https://on.soundcloud.com/yF3LEe5yy8w2vqL47
  6. @neepheid@briansbrewi keep checking to see it’s still there! but…skint
  7. Played one once; lovely thing. I reckon if it was about 6 ton I’d be more intrigued. I played some of the first Czech made ones in Germany in about 2012 and wanted one…seem to recall they only did a 5’er to start.
  8. I don’t get it… it’s obviously a verrry expensive (and well done) paint job. The colours are just odd with the flag. Anyhow. yes. I’d have that.
  9. Bah! @MM Stingray 62i wanted this to match my 5’er. But I’ve blummin sold that now so my matching pair wouldn’t match 🥴
  10. Samson the Sadducee Strangler…
  11. He has a wife you know…
  12. So who’s this Brian fella?
  13. This is Spartacus? I am Sparta? whut?
  14. As a point - I sent the above Meme to @Machines the other day with “hahaha, this is me…”
  15. My vote’s in! Magic how much variance comes from one picture!
  16. Love that - well done, all the best with your recovery x
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