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Everything posted by AndyTravis

  1. Want this as I’ve just agreed to a covers gig - but won’t have space for a massive rig. Now…where did I put that £250 🙄😂
  2. I had it for 48 hours - never got to buy it. don’t think it’s the same bass.
  3. So…In about 2013, I had this in my hands for appraisal via an auction house. It was an asset liquidation sale - there was a custom shop Marvin strat, and a Hofner 500/1 of some vintage too. A couple of old Wurlitzer jukeboxes and “Americana” stuff like that. The rest was Rolex’s etc and gaudy expensive furniture. It was a 61, with gold hardware. Unsure at the time if it had been one of the refin fiesta reds done by the UK importer…I didn’t know much about gold hardware being an option either. I offered to buy it for £2k (what I had saved up). The guy (rightly…) said “I know it’s worth more.” I later found out that it only fetched £1500 and someone got very lucky…something rings a bell about it being a Fender GBI employee who got it. Never played anything near it since. I had a 77p at the time and this had so much more to it. Talk about the one that got away.
  4. @upside downer im going to be singing that for weeks ”BASH YER HEAD!”
  5. Balls. That would be ideal for me. see if it’s still here on payday
  6. Nah - I liked both Load/Reload. Didn’t love them… there’s slap bass on “The Cure” too - so that’s hilarious
  7. Had Master Of Puppets on in the car today - but RTL is absolutely amazing
  8. Yeah it was lovely. had this and a remarkably similar sounding Sadowsky at the same time.
  9. Yeah - think 10 in white, 10 in sunburst and some in black
  10. Debating opening an Elvis Juice. And lamenting a “wasted” holiday. suppose I’d better go back to work tomorrow… Also staring at photos of basses I’ve sold this last couple of years. Wishing I’d been in a position to keep them all. Erm. Elvis Juice.
  11. Newsted came across really well too -
  12. No…there are lots in the same key. I know Jason Newsted passed comment about wanting more than just playing in Eb the rest of his life when he left. Metallica then did St Anger in all low tunings… referring to older style ideas as “stock” And now - they’re back doing “stock” stuff. ”Some Kind Of Monster” documentary absolutely killed that band for me.
  13. I wish they didn’t paint the headstocks…
  14. Yeah - social media is drowning with Metallica at the moment. The new material is rough too - don’t think they’ve done anything decent since about 1999/2000. Shame - I like everything up to Garage Ic/S&M - the odd misstep aside.
  15. Bah. Just as I think “there was a 208 for sale on basschat!”
  16. I’ll stick in a bit at 2 minutes to midnight…
  17. I’ve always rated these - sold loads when I worked in a shop…but never owned one. No idea why.
  18. Says on Instagram that it’ll be limited to 82 pieces… Get yer deposits down if you want one.
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