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Everything posted by AndyTravis

  1. Took stock earlier… BB200 BB300 x 3 BB 350f x 3 BB 424x x 3 BB 425x x 1 BB 415 x 1 BB 414 (still have this) BB450 BB 614 x 2 (just got one) BB 714 x 2 BB 1024x BB 1100s x 2 BB 1300 (rare, should’ve kept) BB 1500a (should’ve kept) BB 1600 (should’ve kept) BBG 4ii 25 in total
  2. https://on.soundcloud.com/9xDVFKR5s9fBv9he9 I’ve put up what I deserted…doesn’t seem to want to do the fancy link thing either… I need lessons in most aspects of life 😂 erm…rough idea tension between rhythms, like tension between how much technology takes over, a constant push and pull… in my head it worked - listening back I’m not totally sure. just guitar and bass, both Yamaha. Programmed drums/samples. anyhow…
  3. Yeah, I had an idea about the push and pull between reliance upon and resistance towards AI in arts and in general… But I just fell a bit short. I dunno. We’ll see.
  4. Nah. I’ve tried and failed again. I put too much thought into it all and then delivered a bowl of plain pasta instead of the 3 course gourmet I had in my head. in the recycle bin. 🥴
  5. It’s something for the fluence pickups isn’t it?
  6. Oh bugger. I’ll get on with it then. I have until tea time 🫡
  7. I joined Basschat just as I’d become a dad. got 4 of the buggers now…anyhow. I sold a Ric around that time. Gear comes and goes - kids are ace though!
  8. £600 collected with a hard case, £625 shipped in UK. I have packing materials. I’m off for next 2/3 days so can be in for collection Manchester (m27 postcode) That’s it then, I’ll either keep or part out. Andy
  9. Needs a bit of tweaking towards the neck, I plan on messaging him - see if he’ll do another pass.
  10. Saw the headstock off and erm…then cocktail sticks 😊
  11. Well, drilling and screwing done. What a pair…
  12. Back to where I was 4 years ago. A 614 and my 414. time to stop going round in circles
  13. Yeah - I meant to say that, but I’d excelled myself by remembering something
  14. Well, I’ll go and get myself a chufty badge. been a while… A broken clock is right twice a day etc.
  15. Ah good. I’ve just counted my marbles…and they’re all present. If I might push my luck - I’d suggest the bulb might be housed in or around the back plate (with all the input gubbins). if I’m right there - I will be pleasantly chuffed with myself.
  16. Some PA Speakers (and possibly cabs?) have a bulb in them as a circuit breaker to protect the speakers… I’m sure peavey did this. I might be wrong…it was a long time ago and I’ve met many beers since then… if I’ve imagined this - I’m very sorry. God…I answered that really quickly and now I’m doubting myself. now I’m trapped in an internal monologue…
  17. @Geek99 I have been a “good” player - I have. Imagine a Championship level midfielder taking 8 months of the pitch and expecting to still be match fit. That’s where I’m at. 🤣 (thanks though)
  18. I’m going to part this out in the next few days. or - if the lack of case is the issue, I can do with a hardcase £650 collected or £670 shipped in UK. Andy
  19. I’m pretty sure this very bass was listed here a few years ago. again, the lollipops were described as from factory…
  20. @kevin_lindsay there’s a dead link on bidbuy.Co.jp but doesn’t look the same as the one in that video - does state it was made for mark king in 1991, bit late for that song
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