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Everything posted by AndyTravis

  1. Well, I just can’t afford a neck (would love a status J neck or something) and I’ve got loads more to shell out for.
  2. Just putting this out there. Ok, the full basses seem to be fetching £600 ish (some listed at £700+) this has a player series P pickup in the place of the humbucker (didn’t work as well as trad P) which is now sold. Blacktop back pickguard included if you fancy it - it’s for housing the humbucker now gone…the mint green is fender “pure vintage” 63 precision with wide bevel. it’s In overall very good Nick, will have fender strap buttons on it, not the yamaha ones. has the original neck plate (I don’t have spare screws) and I also have a Gotoh string tree if you needs it for the neck you choose. Trav
  3. we’ll see - a good friend has enquired on behalf of a mate of his. I could do with a big parts bin empty… I’ve done a quick comparison of the mint on the black. Looks like it’s “trying” to look vintage…quite like the stark contrast… hmm.
  4. 90’s Japan reissue body. 2017 Mexico Block and bound neck Hipshot Lollipops. affectionately known as the Geddy P. born today on my kitchen table.
  5. Yeah - will keep an eye out once payday comes round 😉
  6. I’ve got a packet of pickguard screws on the way as that’s one of the few things I didn’t get with the MIJ body. So it won’t be a big deal to try - not 100% sure it will work. I’ve also used my spare Yamaha big strap buttons on the white body so will swap them out as they’re ace, but a bugger to get hold of. no rash decisions - might see if any interesting necks come up for the white body; I’ve a spare Gotoh string tree in a packet and a spare set of resolite machineheads.
  7. No, quite enjoying the geddy B/W aesthetic. I’ve had 2 GL jazz basses…sold when chasing other gear… The Japanese one I had was black, and a bit weighty. The Mex one I had was mega light and sunburst. Reckon another Black one might be on the cards… now…what to do with this stuff…
  8. @Bassassin that’s the Geddy Tea(rdrop)
  9. I’m not 100% sure as I didn’t mess with factory wiring on it for the bridge pickup, just swapped the neck HB for a Fender player P pickup. Sounds fuller when neck is soloed now. and both together is lovely.
  10. Think this would look good…and a badass/omega…
  11. Hmmm. no rash decisions yet.
  12. Geddy Pee! (no wiring or anything done yet…)
  13. Yeah - it looks good for 25-30 years old. Less scars than I accrued by that age anyway 🤭
  14. Well…let’s see what the evening brings.
  15. Nice MIJ body, super clean routing; and wears its age well - mid 90’s - is that right @alexjbassist?
  16. Bit of a weird one. Recently posted about putting this together… Then, in a fit of “oooh look” I bought an MIJ Precision body and all associated bits. It’s black. This blocks and bound neck, with a white guard would be like a Geddy Lee precision…and that strikes me as verrrryy cool. And the p/JJ setup is beautiful on this, but I’ve already got similar sounds with the Yamaha BB… Do I flog the blacktop body and make a Geddy Pee? I’m not playing with a band currently so I’m not losing out. Might do a mock up tomorrow. or tonight…see if the gin flows.
  17. Damn @Beedster I miss my old one terribly and have nothing to offer. I do. I’m just not sure you need anything 🤣 FFS
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