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Posts posted by AndyTravis

  1. A basses are no longer made, i seem to recall.
    It'd probably a similar thing to the Flea/Modulus thing.
    Bass players get a sig, play it for a few years and then want their vintage Fender or whatever, this pisses the sig manufacturer off and they fall out.
    Also, if there is a 'royalties' issue then that can also cause rows.

  2. I think there is a story that Norman Watt Roy had agreed to have his (correct me if i'm wrong) '64 Shoreline gold Jazz bass 'cloned' by a team of well respected luthiers.

    Then once this prototype was made, the guys at the Bass Centre/House Music realised that, although Norman is very highly thought of in the bass playing community, his name, or association with the Blockheads among others would be able to sell relic'd Jazz copies.

    If it is just a £199 Bass scratched up, then i'd be pretty amazed, whereas, if it's a custom made British Jazz type bass, It may well be worth a similar amont to their asking price.

    I'm going to phone them and ask them, i'd really like to try it.

    In contrast, has anyone tried the 'Detroit' - Precision, or 'Jive' - Jazz basses?

    We've had the 'Speakeasy' ones in, and i think they were great playing and sounding, just a bit scrappy on the finish.

  3. [url="http://www.basscentre.com/4-string-bass-guitars/bass-collection-norman-watt-roy-prototype.html"]http://www.basscentre.com/4-string-bass-gu...-prototype.html[/url]

    What's the deal?

    Is it really worth [i]that[/i] much?

    I love Norman (one of the nicest bass legends i've met - buying elites in my shop, i thought endorsees got freebies?)

    I know the Jive, Detroit and Speakeasy are cheapies, but is this worth [b]THAT[/b][i][/i][u][/u] much?
    I have missed out on a few of the old BC jazz types from the mid/late 90's (wooden pickguards???)

    Has anybody on here seen or tried this particular one?

    I wonder if Deano would send it to me to try?

    It'd be a nice thing to have, i think.

    Any thoughts?


  4. Well, went and got it today...
    It used to belong to a School in Middlesborough.

    It's A half sizer, which is a relief, i knew it wasn't the ideal 3/4 but i didn't want a 1/4 size.

    The Bridge was a bit misaligned (i'm sure it's too big), so first thing i did was loosen the strings enough to 'centre' it.
    The Strings are...shabby and Its a bit scratched up, no worry to me, i'll be gigging it plenty.

    It is solid top, and looks to be a good few years old. Not the loudest thing in the world, but it has a pleasent enough sound.

    So, shopping list...in order

    New (longer) End Pin...
    Pickup, looking like one of the Shadow ones, although that B-Band is still tempting.
    New Thomastik Spirocores.
    May buy a new bridge, as i'm not convinced it's meant for this bass and it looks a bit rubbish.
    Decent Case (it came without)
    Possible Outboard Pre

    I've taken two photos off my phone, i went to show it to my mate who runs a pub, and it got plenty of stares!

    Thanks for the advice so far folks.

  5. John Deacon Precision Bass, Fender 'Tribute' Natural, Rosewood, Tortie and Black, Rosewood, Bwb as the colourways.
    It would be priced and appeal to the age groups who loved queen, as well as the generation who are just discovering them.

    As for a cheap sig model, i would say squier are hitting the nail on the head with that classic vibe Biffy Clyro bass.
    But, Chris Wolstenholme from Muse should deffo get one too, if he could settle one one bass, haha.
    All the kids in our shop play his lines, a wicked and often overlooked guy. And thats from me who doesn't like Muse that much!

  6. has anyone had experience with te shadow sh965? I'm looking around, and i spotted the B-band b-1 system, but it will end up costing more than the bass, so i don't see the point.
    I'll be using the Zeller for a few new tracks as soon as i get it, so i'm getting all excited!
    Like i said, i'll take some photos, and post them up here.
    Hopefully i'll be able to confirm the model, and age, if it's a solid top, with a decent sound, i may spend a bit more on the pickup/outboard eq.

    I'll also have to see if it comes with any accessories of any form.

    Going to go to work on arco lessons from the violin and cellist in the band...going to make a real effort with the double bass.
    See if i can't get up to some Stanley Clarke upright muck!

  7. yeah, i think the bp100 is of th list, i take it people buy it as it was the start point for all or Fishmans work, hence 'legendary'.
    At work we have access to a schertler system for about £350, think thats overkill haha.
    In this months performing musician there was a highly rated system for about a hundred quid.
    I will be gigging at fairly high levels, so a pickup is required.
    If i had £100 to £150 to spend on the pickup alone, to fit myself, what would the be all and end all be?

  8. no worries, i'm going to hear the bass, listen to you guys, and then decide, i'm fortunate enough to work in a music shop so although it's still a dear do, it's not as bad as a off the street punter.
    I've heard a lot about the thomastik gear, electric and double bass.
    It's invaluable feedback i'm getting, so thanks very much.
    Keep it coming, i'll post photos when the bass comes home.

  9. mega advice, thanks for that, i had an old fishman pricelist at work and the bp100 has shot up in price with JHS! Shadow was a thought. I'm going to listen to the bass first, and then decide.
    I now think it's 1/2 or 3/4. If i'm honest, the half size may be bet if i'm switching during gigs, it will be amped up 90% of the tim, and mic'ed for recording.
    Are Thomastik the most highly regarded strings, as i may change them too.

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