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Everything posted by AndyTravis

  1. Can you text me mate, he’s struggling to find that bit - so am I…PP app is useless
  2. PayPal holding funds from my last sale as they’re utter c-bubbles
  3. Yeah. There was chrome red too… did a chrome blue on the strats that year but never the basses - real shame as it was gorgeous. This is a beauty
  4. How the hell is this still here?! GO AWAY YOU NAUGHTY BASS!!!
  5. I do love the look of these - and the sounds I’ve heard have all been lovely!
  6. Such a classy looking bass mate - I know this is a wrench for you too.
  7. I preferred my 414 to my 1024, in fact…still got the 414 😏
  8. Looks like they’re bb424/414 pickups though rather than the 1024/2024 blade types…on the “p” ones 🤷🏻‍♂️
  9. so in about 2009 I worked for Dawsons - we were the distributor for Farida acoustic guitars. they sent some samples of electric basses and guitars (they would become the Squier classic vibe series) we did a p and j with them - and I said “could you do a fretless/Sadowsky style” they made me 2. One is fretless, one is fretted. they’re ace. Only ones in existence . “The twins”
  10. I have Duncan classic stacks in my fretless Jazz - means you can dial back to just bridge pickup and no noise
  11. Yeah - we rehearse dry and at gigs have a strict 2 pint limit, which - if I’m driving turns me into a zero pint bass player. Substance issues didn’t exist in this band - I’ve been there with another band and a singer I worked with for a bit - I stuck it out but found it borderline intolerable. This is just a “life’s too short to bite your lip through every 10 minutes…” and “How many times can you offer ideas and constructive criticism only to be ignored or the complete opposite thing be done?” kind of vibe. It is what it is; anyhow - just dealing with releases of last studio bits. Think singer and guitarist will continue as the band. best of luck to them.
  12. Had one of these as a teenager - worked 2 part time jobs to save for it. Looks almost identical… sooo tempting 😑
  13. Was hoping it wasn’t just me thinking this:.. ”if the sh!t fits…wear it”
  14. I am still waiting for Yamaha to do something new with the bb to excite me. Yamaha BB’s mate? Completed it 😂👌🏻
  15. It’s number 001 of the 200 or so limited edition run of that duck dunn fender. The guy just plays some of ducks lines…🤷🏻‍♂️
  16. I think I spontaneously combust if I cross the threshold of a church without 48hr prior notice @Eldon Tyrell
  17. Absolutely J, I want to enjoy what I’m doing. When the fun stops…stop. It’s not affecting my enjoyment of playing, actually had my rig set up and enjoying playing my J bass the last couple of days - I’ve had it years and I forget how much I love it because shiny things get in the way.
  18. No no, he’s fully housetrained 😂
  19. i absolutely see your point; I will counter it though. Band 1 - 1997-2000 youngsters playing, people went off to Uni etc. was best man for drummer and guitarist. Band 2 - 2000-2007 Remaining members plus new guy, did 2 albums. Was best man at new guys wedding. Band 3 - 2007-2013 Invited to join, 1 album, 1 EP - I left to be a dad, get married etc. Still talk to people from this band regularly. (break in playing) Band 4 - 2014-2017 Covers band - not really my thing, but did 3 years of it as we all got on (guitarist changed once - drummer changed once; neither enjoyed pub gigs) still talk to all members. Band 5 - 2017 Attempt at big Motown band. Met singer from last band here…he disliked the female vocalist - you know the scene in “The Commitments” when Deco has to play tambourine…? That. Still talk to 6 of the 7 members, the female singer moved to Spain. Band 6 - The 602 Original drummer cited mental health issues. Replaced with drummer who I’m still with. Guitarist relocated to Birmingham for work… Replaced with a chap who stayed into next iteration. Singer decided he wanted to stop. Covid etc occurs… Band 7 - Flying Oceans a rebranded 602, which I didn’t really understand the point of…singer returns. So…without an in depth life story of each band and other side projects - I’m not sure the problem is that close to home. As mentioned before, it’s not always going to be an easy ride. I’ve been really vague/polite about the circumstances - just so it doesn’t come across as a whinge. But the drummer wanting to carry on, and leaving “with” me…probably suggests i’m alright…
  20. I’d be alright with Maximus, he’s a clean and tidy fella.
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