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Everything posted by AndyTravis

  1. No. The 602 is deffo dead. singer was in both. Drummer and I plan to move on together. Meeting some people next week.
  2. Well. Absolutely lost my head and binned the band off. If I’d been earning a wage from it I probably would’ve stuck it out. I can’t say I’m 100% happy with the idea of all that hard work going down the toilet. But life is too short to be unhappy in certain peoples company. Nothing specifically wrong with person in question, just a clash of personality. The drummer felt the same apparently and announced his departure 34 seconds after me. So - we go again. Apparently - singer and guitarist plan to continue. Judging by the speed the singer put the adverts on Join My Band…😂
  3. Comes with black case “musicman” on the side. Not the original one for the bass, it came with a really rough hiscox to me…so bought an EBMM one at considerable expense 😐
  4. How we finished our set for this one… thanks to @Dankology and his cameras
  5. From a few weeks ago - very topical at the time. we’d jammed this the previous Wednesday and this was filmed on the Sunday. Not bad.
  6. So, I should add more info, I will weigh the beast and get some better pics up. it’s light - predict about 8lbs
  7. I have 2 old ones. The shop I got them from went bust. so…maybe I will e-mail them.
  8. Had that for a South American tour. Proper buzz 🙄
  9. Great little bass - just not for me. Active p/j 1991 metallic blue 2 knocks…not bad for its age at all… wearing official BC KNobs now - light, boingy…cool. postage is an option; no case currently.
  10. Righto. did this as a joint thread. Got nowhere. I have a stingray 5 surplus. this plus a musicman case £1300 plus shipping honest wear for 22 years. Sounds ace, plays ace.
  11. Righto. did this as a joint thread. Got nowhere. I have a stingray 5 surplus. this plus a musicman case £1250 plus shipping honest wear for 30 years. Sounds ace, plays ace. i just have 2 of them.
  12. Sorely tempted - I turned one down because it was 12lbs and my spine is a soft touch. please tell me it’s suitably heavy
  13. One of my favourite “classic albums” episodes
  14. Once sat in a rehearsal room when someone said “the bass player should be seen and not heard”. Red rag to a bull. here I am 25 ish years later, an derrière who pushes to be heard. I’d rather not be seen 😂
  15. Yeah…I did think that. Maybe I could be the Bass Whinger? i dunno.
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