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Everything posted by AndyTravis

  1. I only have a clip on tuner - it’s been called names and all sorts by guitarists who were swiftly sacked 😂
  2. no. I had it made for me. im not sure if the pickup issue on MIM jazz’s was just on the earlier ones (think they used 2 neck pickups or something)
  3. I have a jazz with Seymour Duncan Classic Stacks in - so it’s like a lovely vintage jazz with no background noise 🥴
  4. Wide and not massive deep. Not dissimilar to my SR5 Neck actually 😂
  5. Thank you though - it’s a piezo HH, nearly bought it through here about a month ago and held off.
  6. I need to take this ad down now - the SR5 is more than enough, and it’s staying (while having a pickup swap to white)
  7. Love that blue aria - Had one of those pickups when I couldn’t find an SB replacement in budget for my SB1000 - was great. miss my old arias ☹️
  8. a) get Tim Allen/Scratch it to remake it - he’s on here as @TimAl but message him through his website https://www.gig.ink/ b) hmmm…nah, mask it off and repaint. Would be a ridiculous amount of risk/work for little or no reward. In saying that - message @Andyjr1515 about readability?
  9. Funnily enough, this came up on Timehop from a year ago - I must’ve sent it to @lee650when we were talking about “favourite P basses” or something…
  10. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/yamaha-bb1600-bass-japan-1983-/115336694997?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l6249&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0 unbelievable bass for the start price… just sold mine for £900
  11. flubbin eck @LukeFRC(LukeTCW) I’ve just wee’d in me pants. wait. That’s not wee.
  12. It’s single ply aluminium on “50’s” ones @Geek99 - without the bevelled edges they do give a little variation on the appearance. But yeah - I now see what you mean. And thank you - I knew you’d “get it” one day - if only for a fleeting moment. 😉
  13. Hope so…beer goggles will give mixed results
  14. is that clearer? Lots of reflections in the photos. 👍🏼
  15. No. Luckily there’s a buffer of a couple of days for it to arrive under radar 🥴
  16. Don’t know what any of that meant mate - sorry. 🤷🏻‍♂️😉
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