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Everything posted by AndyTravis

  1. Lewis bought a Yamaha from me - fortunately he was passing by for an event so I got to meet him. It was brief - but all comms were ace and he’s a lovely bloke. Enjoy!
  2. Really nice bloke, phenomenal player and great educator. Best wishes to him.
  3. Well…that’s a beauty. Had a Fender CS55 relic (just like stings bass) and I regret selling it daily. Congratulations - if you ever need a babysitter for it…🥸
  4. Sub 10lbs for a neck through Yamaha is pretty good. this is fit. And I need to stop looking at it - the drool is ruining my t-shirt.
  5. It’s time mate - if you look for my last lot of stuff on Spotify, that’s all this exact bass - 6 tracks, 6 different sounds. the strings were quite played in when I recorded too - wanted for nothing.
  6. I’ve always had positive conversations with Mark and Ashley. Ive spent about £7k with them over 5 years, more than any other retailer… that says a fair bit.
  7. FFS. Stuck - I’d have this back in a heartbeat. I was the second owner from new. Sold to get an SR5… bloody band broke up and I don’t need a 5. Sod’s law.
  8. just found this on Pinterest… it’s my old picture of my old smith burner deluxe…jeez
  9. Ah - I was very close to a peacock blue one at some point via peavey UK. can’t recall why I didn’t…😩
  10. Have you still got the peacock blue one @kodiakblair
  11. Yeah - if that popped up today…I’d be snapping your arm off.
  12. Things may have changed…but there used to be a warehouse in Essex (East grinstead…) Shops would be invited down to b-stock sales and receive big discounts which would be passed on in store as “b-stock” sales. the level of discount would obviously be according to the level of b-stockness 😏 could well be different now.
  13. californication, by the way and stadium arcadium were all done with a “clean” John Frusciante…
  14. dad was 40 in 1994 - 43 by the time I was listening to oasis/playing bass.
  15. I remember getting ridiculously giddy over a price list I saw which came out around the time of the Korean made Jazz 24, lite ash tele/strat and esquire gt guitars - all about 2003/4… ”Set Neck P Bass (MIK) - £599” I kept phoning Fender GBI and they eventually said “yeah, it’s not happening”. Sometimes they announce/list stuff - and then pull it. Judging by recent redundancy rumours etc at fender; maybe these will be a casualty?
  16. I remember being in a club somewhere absolutely smashed out of my tree - it wasn’t my usual rock night dive… It was what I’d call a “Scally dive” - think I’d broke up with a girl and was trying to play the field… Anyhow, “Zephyr Song” came on and the entire place went mental… I couldn’t get my head around that song, and I always skip it if it comes on. I went to see RHCP live for the 5th/6th time soon after - and the crowd was more chavvy/scally…and again, I just couldn’t get my head around it. They’re just a going through the motions money machine now - and that’s sad. I actually enjoyed the stuff they did with Josh. The Getaway specifically. My daughter keeps on talking about this phenomenon when Running Up That Hill/Master of Puppets crops up following Stranger things bringing the tracks to a new audience - she says “urgh dad, you’re such a bitter gatekeeper…” Apparently I’m now my own dad who used to slate Oasis as “a crap Beatles cover band” in the 90’s.
  17. Borderline parody level… not enjoying this new John era. and I know that makes me sound like a grumpy bugger, It feels very “by numbers”
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