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Everything posted by AndyTravis

  1. If “Mec” is actually on the covers I’ll be so happy
  2. Holding off for tonight. worked 7.30-4 and then 5.30-9 and I’m seeing numbers and letters with a migraine the size of Canada. I’m sorry it’s not the finish line. 😣
  3. So close. unfortunately…got lots of follow up work to do after a bad day at work. anyhow…at some point… The Modern player will be fully rescued. Thanks to @OllyWfor the heads up on the tuning pegs.
  4. Boodang sent me a lovely TC spectradrive. It was so beautifully packed, and arrived faster than a shop would send it. Heroic - many thanks. Andy
  5. Those guys are ridiculous. If only I didn’t have a day job and 4 kids to look after 😂
  6. Yeah - does a bit of everything. I’d say the sabre did “ray” better.
  7. Er. Its the notes out of one of our tracks (soon to be released) but played like a level 42 song called “43” I think. message me your number in a bit - I’ll send the rough mixdown of the track. To be honest - I had my bass hands on that day, not my knackered hams I have today 😂
  8. right. Now beer. need to remember that Neck pickup is right there. But this is a great bass with plenty of sounds. I’ll do Some better vids when I’m not brain dead and 24,000 steps into a day 😂
  9. need to do something about my demo licks. Proper pants. anyhow - brand new strings, straight from work. now time for a beer 😄
  10. Always thought the big Al looked ace. Weirdly, it’s probably a bit more conventional than the bongo in appearance. like the caprice and cutlass p/j & p - maybe it was a solution for a problem which didn’t exist. What do I know? Anyhow. Just in from work. Going to cobble together a video (no talking, just some out of practice playing). Will go through the pickups and eq etc. should be ok for the curious.
  11. I did some stuff on a guitar for a mate and he “paid” me with this - handy 🤣 Its a really decent overdrive, and sounded much warmer and nicer than the previous drive pedal I had. I’ve just bought a TC Spectradrive, so this and my comp are up for sale. Here are some pictures
  12. Got this recently but another comp/drive pedal I’ve been after has come up which I’ve bought. I’m not big into pedals. So won’t keep them for the sake of it - I know others do. But this is a lovely compressor - apparently there are 3 versions of this pedal and this is the one to own. on the face of it, it’s a very clean pedal…the underside has seen better days - but it works and sounds great. Velcro for pedalboard and works with battery or mains. Ive used it for 2 rehearsals and loved the sound overall. Used it for some recordings too and it did a great job. Anyhow - Here it is.
  13. Yeah - feels nice, smooth satin on the back. 4 clover 1/2” ultralights on order. total spend on the fix is a bit high. But never bin a good bass. need to find my draw full of pickguard screws.
  14. Sooo…yeah. Looks like I’m ordering the hipshot ultralights. Neck holes are pre drilled. A little wax and pre fit screw check…all good. but I’m not getting into pressing the bushes in. Will be a nice bass when it’s done. Needs a good clean still.
  15. The first version was just vvt with two double jazz pickups - glossy finish. The second version (like this one) had the rotary. im going to offer up existing machineheads (gently) and then make a decision. Neck has arrived. feels like it weighs less than the original neck.
  16. @OllyWi had read this - will see what’s what. I’m not rushing with it as I’ve not got anything on with the band this week. is the back of the head pre drilled for machineheads?
  17. “Awww this old thing?” Never works. Love this @bigmuff69 should’ve got one when I worked in a shop; I recall they had a definite stingray flavour.
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