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Everything posted by AndyTravis

  1. I’ve got a few spare tyres for the journey…It might do me good to get some food amnesia
  2. A message from our (mucky faced) sponsored… IMG_3199.mov
  3. “when I win the lottery, I won’t tell people - but there will be signs…”
  4. Guess what we’re doing tonight… Well, Jenny and the Kids, while I speak to the Plumber.
  5. Crazy. what a time to be alive. wonderful experience x
  6. I think something has been in my eye(s) since @Clarky started this entire thing.
  7. Probably the best cab I’ve ever owned. Annoying that I sold it as I was “quitting” and then joined an amazing band 3 months later 🙄
  8. I had a very early 1000 and an 81/82 700. to me the 700 sounded like the best bits of the 1000. the similar set neck models seem to crop up a bit cheaper… what a sound though. Great basses - weighty. Aria have just started touting reissues online https://www.musicstreet.co.uk/products/aria-sb-700-bass-guitar-oak £1100+ though - not cheap
  9. We play the same 2 songs for the start of the set and always finish on the same… We change the middle around, and with some new tunes just getting finished up - we’ll be doing it again. Thats originals though - when I was in a covers band, we had a steady running order; it got to a point I could do it in my sleep (or inebriated) - auto pilot was cool for a bit…but then I got REALLY BORED.
  10. A message from Mrs Travis ”I’ve always joked that I never have to worry what Trav is up to on his phone because the only beautiful bodies he’s interested in drooling over are made of wood and adorned with flatwounds…on top of that, the only forum he’s frequenting in the early hours is Basschat 🤣 I’ve always known that the community is strong and that you all support eachother when it comes to anything bass related but I am completely blown away at how your community has come together to support our little girl. I’m sure Trav will keep you all posted with just how much you’ve all helped our little lady when the adaptations have been completed. I’m lost for words and thank you doesn’t seem enough but I wanted to make sure I said it! Jen xxx”
  11. That is unbelievable… The costing starts tomorrow when the plumber arrives - I feel a lot better starting this knowing I’ve got a Basschat army’s backing xxx
  12. I haven’t discussed progress with Iris yet. I will at some point. But…she’s been busy tonight.
  13. He’s got a wet room…look at those eyes. Smug git. (RIP Brucey) I caught an episode of PYCR on some daft freeview channel a while ago… Final Prize? A maroon Rover 620i Not bad.
  14. This is mental. What a lucky little girl I have. Thank you all for helping our family 😘
  15. Yeah - will be blogging it in light of the amazing support we’ve now had. xxx
  16. Bump. Time for this to go - committed to other gear so need to clear the decks
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