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Everything posted by woolz

  1. yes quite a few manufactors put it on the machineheads but ibanez dont seem to. its a lot quicker and takes 0. of a sec to flick it up with your right hand because your playing around that area. so you can drop to the D half way through a song vv quickly if you want to. cheers for the comments
  2. ok cheers. i play very loud indeed. quite heard rock but not metal. maybe the 15's are for me then
  3. these heads to hiss a bit when you swicth the EQ on. nothing you can do really
  4. woolz

    Peavey gear

    i have had my peavey mark 6 xp series head with matching 4/10 cab for years now. i love the sound it makes. done many recordings with it and sound engineers say what a lovely sound it produces. i even left it out in the rain one night all night. gave it two weeks to dry off. and it still works 100%. built like a brick these things. ive just bought a ashdown magIII 500 head- only becuase i got it soooo cheap. and to be honest the sound is no better than my peavey. just shows you.
  5. just read through this post. i currently use some cheapish foam plugs which block out all high freq noise which does work but i cant hear much when rehersing. hardly any guitar. any looking to spend more on plugs if they work better than my current ones. is specsavers the best place to use?? also whats the difference between e15/20/25. cheers
  6. hi guys just bought this lovely ibanez. i used to have a tanglewood which has lastest me 8 years!! fancied an upgrade though- i can honestly say its the best bass ive ever played. the wood is unbelievable. its got mono bridges as you can see and a dropD lever on the end of the E bridge. its a limited ed 350made hand built ibanez.
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