[size=7][font="Arial Black"]SOLD[/font][/size]
[s]Well, the time has come that I need to invest in better equipment and shift some old stuff out.
I'm wanting about £160 for it (though I am negotiable) - It's got the normal nicks from light gigging (but I must stress this has not had a hard life, I played it every day for about 6 weeks then bought a Fender Jazz - it then got used once a week for about an hour).
It had a professional set up about a year ago, with very little playing it's still as nice as it was then - it also (surprisingly) sounds REALLY good (especially for a Yam )
I'll take more photos later (of the nicks and slight mods I made) - however for now here's one with my old setup.
Edit: you can hear it on this recording - [url="http://tomkent.bandcamp.com/track/moving-on"]http://tomkent.bandcamp.com/track/moving-on[/url][/s]