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Thunder Fingers

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Everything posted by Thunder Fingers

  1. Im selling my "parts Stingray" 5er, and its put togheter of: * OLP Tony Levin sig body. * Status Graphite Stingray 5 neck. * Badass V bridge. * Seymour Duncan Alnico pickup. * Seymour Duncan 3 band Stingray preamp. * Hipshot American Classic tuners. The bass is a great player, though the body is severly beaten poor thing, so it might be needing a respray, not that it is necissary, as I have used the bass this way live and at various places (it is even featured in a music video). Great player, Wll be shipped with a gigbag and with a brand new set of Optima gold strings. I am actually not quite sure about what I should take for it, So I'll start at £ shipping included, and you tell me if I am way off or not. It will be shipped from Norway.
  2. That is not my approach either, I usualy try to get the "feel" for the song, and see what might be fitting after that.. Now it might seem that I am an avid slapper, but the fact is I very rarely use it.
  3. [quote name='The Funk' post='341728' date='Dec 1 2008, 12:19 PM']It's alright - there are plenty of people who like and play slap on here. No need to go anywhere else. There's a valid point about tasteless playing, ie. playing something that doesn't sound good in context. I slapped the hell out of my bass on Saturday night at a 3-hour gig in front of random punters. I got nothing but compliments. But when we threw in a couple of blues tunes did I slap a single note? No. That would make me throw up.[/quote] But... It is all about the musician aint it? If the musician feels this is how they want to play it, I say let 'em! Slapping in itself aint anoying, just another way to hit the strings, but it is frantic popping that can become anoying and ruin a song, You can safely slap root 8notes in a pop punk song, just as you can use your fingers or pick, but once you start popping it will sound wrong (Or will it? You never know before you try..) Where would we be today if people had always played what was "correct" for the time being?
  4. wow... That was a fitting description of slapping. I think I will be going back to TB, they actually seemed more open for playing bass the way YOU want over there.
  5. What the...? Have slapping becomed the new pick? Jeez people, let people play their basses the way they want to, eh? I use my fingers, pick, slapping or tapping, all after what I feel like, And im not hesitating about doing a 2 bar slap part in the middle of a song, if I feel like it and my band dont protest (The current song I do it in, they actually said "Cant you do a simple slap thing here?). (Then its usualy a build up so it'll end up as root octave slap moving upwards in the scale..) But Mark King? I realy dislike that guys playing personaly, but I keep away, and I couldnt care any less about how he approaches to play the bass.
  6. [quote name='budget bassist' post='233873' date='Jul 7 2008, 01:11 AM']nice G&L, also is that stingray a musicman or an OLP? and is that a status neck and badass bridge? if so why did you change the bridge?[/quote] It is: A Olp body with a Status Graphite neck, Hipshot tuners, Badass II bridge, Seymour Duncan Stingray System (With the Alnico pickups and 4 knob configuration.) I Just bought a OLP body on Ebay, that is why it have a Badass bridge (And becouse I love 'em..) E_MaN: THanks! I know , it looks even better with the bridge cover on (Wich it have now)
  7. And I finaly got it working, and now im satisfied (Still gonna be repainted though):
  8. I'd give this one a bump, as I would like some comments on it (mostly The Getaways, since Im recorded there) And to say: Chain Collectors 2nd album, Unrestrained, is now released (About half a year late.. and I'm not playing on it)
  9. How much? This looks quite intresting, but I will not be trading anything.
  10. I play metal, well, one of the bands i play in play metal Im not a strict metal bass player though, I'm also in a pop/rock band.. the metal band im currently playing with: [url="http://www.chaincollector.com"]http://www.chaincollector.com[/url] . New album is released, and im not playing on it, as I came in later, but the album is still pretty good! (Atleast to my ears!) A tip to you who complain about flopy downtuned strings, We play in C, I take the bottom 4 of a 5er set and tune them UP half a step! Quite comfy and it gives a thight and good tone too!
  11. Yeah, it came with it, got the bass used (it is also one of the "Limited Edition" Neckplate ones) I think its called mint green? (the colour on the pickguard) edit: looking now i see that it actually matches the faded white on the P bass, NICE!
  12. Yeah, well, since my first days of playing i have always dreamed of 'Arry's P bass from the time it was blue, and as soon as I find a 57 Fender Japan P bass neck on Ebay again, it will be complete. I had the 77 Neck on it for a while (if you go to my recordings thread, that will be the one recorded on "Utopia"), but it kinda felt wrong having splitted up such an bass and have the rest of it under my bed.. And i do not regret one second that I switched back.
  13. My 2 favourites first: Fender Geddy Lee Jazz Bass with Hipshot tuners: early 1977 Fender Precision with electronics and tuners from 74: The others: This is a Listerud Spyderlookalike: more detailed picture here: Fender MIM Electron Blue P Bass body (Mirror pickguard, Badass II bridge and Seymour Duncan 1/4 Pickup) I have everything else, It just need a neck, wich I am gonna buy pretty soon:
  14. I am currently playing with two completely different projects, one being a Pop/Rock band named "The Getaways" (fairly regular name, I know and the other being a Melodic Death Metal band named Chain Collector, wich the music video was recorded with. [size=4]The Getaways[/size] We have some songs we recorded at rehersal out on a norwegian page, but if i tell you that you have to press the "Lytt" button, I'll gess you'll manage to listen to it The site is [url="http://www11.nrk.no/urort/artist/TheGetaways/default.aspx"]http://www11.nrk.no/urort/artist/TheGetaways/default.aspx[/url] we also have a myspace site, but it is not updated yet, it is anyhow [url="http://www.myspace.com/thegetaways07"]http://www.myspace.com/thegetaways07[/url] . And we have some live video's on youtube under this user: [url="http://www.youtube.com/user/mtatias"]http://www.youtube.com/user/mtatias[/url] [size=4]Chain Collector[/size] I'm not the bassist recorded on the track (or any recorded track with this band), since it was recorded before I played with em, but I am in the video wich can easily be found on [url="http://www.chaincollector.com"]http://www.chaincollector.com[/url] , also the band have alot of songs on myspace: [url="http://www.myspace.com/chaincollector"]http://www.myspace.com/chaincollector[/url] I would love some comments from the ones who take their time to listen and/or see the videoes
  15. Usualy these models do nothing for me, but that one was extremely nice! I still feel that for my playing style they would be very uncomfortable.
  16. I dont know actualy, depending on the bass having standard MM size pickups, if it have, yes, it will fit. Its size: 11 cm long (4.7 inches) 4.8 cm wide (almost 2 inch) 1.6 cm tall (3/4 inch) I am not sure of the inch measurements being correct though...
  17. [b]Nordstrand MM5.4 Quadcoil[/b] Stingray replacement pickup that have been slightly used, though it does not cary any significant signs of this. The package it comes in reads: [quote]Nordstrand pickups MM5.4 Music man replacement size is a quadcoil 5 string Musicman style pickup. It is intended for silent operation. This pickup will make your bass sound warmer and fatter while still alowing the ability that these basses are famous for.[/quote] I see that these pickups new price is 88 pund, so i thought 55 pund shipped for this one sounds as a decent price? I do prefer paypal as i live in Norway, and these banktransfers may take a while, but I will probaly accept any way that will give me the money. As said, the price you pay is included freight
  18. Well... I had a nice 6er for trade, and i was looking for a fretless 4 string. But you where alittle bit late!
  19. yeah, If anyone have a P bass from 74 with Electronics and pickup from 76/77, I want to trade em my 74 Pickup and Electronics that currently live in my 1 week of 77 P bass.
  20. Well, damnit, i shouldnt have used all of my paycheck I could have aforded this one. Not that i ever have been ha huge ric fan, but they do sound nice.
  21. Yeah, he was pulling someones leg when the original track was recorded!
  22. Gone locally.
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