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Thunder Fingers

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Everything posted by Thunder Fingers

  1. It doesnt look that way to me? Not that I'm a expert on the topic, but doesn't warwick fretless basses look like that? the edges of the fretboard looks smooth and fine to me?
  2. You are not intrested in any trades?
  3. So, no 6 string trades?
  4. They have a horrible resale value, i remember that mine went for around 400ish.. But mine was a newer one, i think these older ones with wenge neck's are worth a little more.
  5. Oh well.. I understand. (How about the Yammie? )
  6. As a Status fan, i would be pretty pleased if you want my 6er in a trade for it It is quite a good bass, and worth abit more than what you are selling yours for, but if you wanna trade, im not gonna ask more for it. Straight trade. Must say i love your amp too! I have that very same model myself! (for the 2nd time, sold one a few years back, and now i had to have one again )
  7. Your intrested in trading any of them for a 6er? The lakie is whats closest in value.. it is worth around 450 or so..
  8. so i guess trade is out of the question?
  9. Don't give up 5 strings.. The Status basses are wide, try a Stingray 5! Very nice width, much smaller.
  10. Trade? My 6 string for your Groove? they are worth aprox the same.
  11. It is a Samick Artist 6 string, as far as i can figure, made between 1996 and 1999. This is a very solid bass, Keeps tuning incredible well, Easy to play, Narrow string spacing, Good sound, Active (2 band pre amp.. pots might need some cleaning), Neckthrough.. This is not a "cheapo" Samick bass, as the reviews can testify for. I have used this bass live, and as a main bass with a band I played abit with, and I didn't need to tune it for 3 practices! Once in its lifetime it have been repainted black, I doubt its a proffesional job, but it is certainly not badly done. Reviews: [url="http://reviews.harmony-central.com/reviews/Electric+Bass/product/Samick/Artist+Series+6-String/10/1"]http://reviews.harmony-central.com/reviews...s+6-String/10/1[/url] 270£ shipped.
  12. So i see, no one had anything to say about this? (i think i need to find a band closer to my roots too..) I wouldnt recomend Lift me Up as first listen, even if it is the first song up
  13. Finally someone agree with me! I have grown very frustrated with todays music, and have repitably thought "Why do these guuys mention Entwistle, Lee and Squire as a influence, when they sound just like everyone else" And regarding to looks, yeah, we dont have any Rockstar looking "new" bands at all. No one look like Entwistle and Townshend, and no one manage to get the spirit of music out there, i feel that most people just write the songs, and dont give 'em the love and what they deserve. A noteable exeption is Amy Humphrey from Clatter.. Shes realy doing something for the instrument.
  14. Great guy, fast payment, and nothing but a pleasure to do buisness with, thanks alot!
  15. I havent sold or bought that much of here yet, but somethings there is. For more feedback, see thunder-fingers87 at ebay or Thunder_Fingers at Talkbass (though the 2 there will probaly give me feedback here )
  16. Great guy! Sold him the Warwick mentioned in the first post, no problems!
  17. I am thinking 350£. And then it is shipped, so you dont have to worry about a thing. I feel this is a fair price, atleast for what i payed, and regarding the norwegian market. I can take paypal, but i would prefer bank to bank transfer (ever so slightly cheaper aparently..) It is however tradable.. if anyone have a P/J bass of some sort (of good quality, Charvel would be cool)
  18. info: [url="http://www.hughes-and-kettner.com/products.php?mode=prod&id=43"]http://www.hughes-and-kettner.com/products...=prod&id=43[/url] Give me offers, anything will be considered, i most probaly have to get it out. if you want "trustable feedback" see thunder-fingers87 at ebay, or just Thunder_fingers at talkbass.com.
  19. Bought a Trace Elliot Series 6 715 Combo from chris (Thornybank). Great guy to deal with, Amp is in great order, and have obviously been taken care of, even the amp cover was included (i dont know if they came with them new or what..) We were given the wrong shipping number, and he spent an hour on phone with them to get the correct one, great service! Good guy, if he have something you want, you can safely buy it
  20. Ok, i suspect the recordings forum is for posting recordings of yourself and whatnot? So, here is some videos from my band, The Getaways(there are probaly other bands with this name out there..): [url="http://www.youtube.com/user/mtatias"]http://www.youtube.com/user/mtatias[/url] Slaughter at will
  21. Well: - Should have given me self more time with my metronome (seems like this is a standard thing for almost everybody) im gonna start that now. - Even though i started with learning alot by ear, i used tabs alot too, the tabs i would have replaced with notes. - i would have whipped myself to actually do the things i decide (i have a ton of books and videoes i have gotten halfway through/Not even have started) - I should have started listening to Rush and The Who much earlier! - It is important for an real musician to be able to atleast sing in key, i would have taken singing lessons, now, i cant sing, but im hoping that this is also something i can do something with. well, im "only" 20, so this is all things i can do something about (yes, i know all the effin pro's turned pro in a age of 12!)
  22. 2nd week of 1977, pickguard, pots and tuners from 74. pickup and bridge, as you see considerably newer.
  23. Oh! BTW, i have ordered some new parts, so the tone pot problem will be fixed before i ship this bass! Price stays the same
  24. Hmmm.. You want to try Hughes & Kettner? I can guarantee you that it will fit in a trunk, and its just as light as a Mark bass Not as many watts though, but its pretty loud.
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