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Everything posted by AdamWoodBass

  1. You're welcome guys, I was on-call babysitting a customer system during some maintenance so had about 4 hours to kill in the early hours of the morning! Hopefully it makes sense, there will be some glaringly obvious errors in it I'm sure but hopefully you get the idea.
  2. Vulfpeck - Welcome to Vulf Records https://open.spotify.com/track/6tL1I2F1BWhhQpwFUQztEz
  3. [quote name='MoJo' timestamp='1476341401' post='3153395'] I have severe P-bass GAS at the moment after hearing someone playing an MIM Precision on Tuesday and thinking to myself, "That's it, that's the tone I'm after". The thing is, I've owned countless P-basses in the past, US, MIM, CIJ, Squiers, Vintage, Westfield, the list goes on and every one has been sold or traded, so I'm clearly not happy with something about P-basses. I'm trying to ride it out until the GAS passes but I'm weakening. Does anyone else convince themselves that they need something after having heard someone else using one or am I unique? [/quote] I'm in the same boat on the P-Bass thing. I've played Jazz's in various forms for years but recently I really really really want a P-Bass with some stinky old flatwounds on it. I once read an article from a high level pro session guy (can't remember the name) who's "main" bass was some ridiculous Fodera but he said that the bass he uses most by far in studio sessions or working with a pop artist etc is a 50's P-Bass. I know of a lot of players who say you should have at least one P-Bass in your arsenal because studio engineers love them, they don't need to do anything to them to get them to sound good. I'm starting to come round to that advice!
  4. [quote name='landwomble' timestamp='1476395801' post='3154038'] Ruby Lounge, The Castle, Star and Garter for venues. Northern Quarter for drinks. [/quote] +1 on Northern Quarter for drinks. Especially Port Street Beer House, Marble Beers, Terrace, Hold Fast and Montpellier's. Venues I'd check out "Matt and Phred's", "Band on the Wall" and "Night and Day" usually some good stuff going on.
  5. Interesting question. I started playing when I was 13 and became completely obsessed with it. I was gigging with my dad and his blues band pretty soon after. The feeling was awesome and all I wanted to be when I grew up was to be a "pro musician" and to have that feeling all the time. I grew up in a village in Yorkshire where there wasn't much for a teenager to do so I practiced for 4-5 hours a day, as a result I got pretty good pretty quickly. I was blessed with the opportunity to play in some really good bands from a really young age. Fast-forward a few years and I'd become lazy and complacent so I barely scraped through my music degree, more interested in partying than playing bass. The problem was the self perception of being a "good" bass player had started to chip away at my dedication to learn new things and push myself, I'd developed an attitude where I was like "I don't need to practice" otherwise known as a diva ego which I'm not proud of at all. After uni I went on to do the "pro musician" thing for a couple of years but because of my attitude it lost its charm for me. I wasn't getting that thrill anymore because I'd made it my job and I wasn't getting enough gigs to make a living. I stopped playing pretty much all together for a good 4 years and got a "proper job" as my mum always used to say lol! After a while I realised how much I missed that feeling I had when I was a kid and started picking up my bass again after a crappy day at the office as a way of winding down. Now I'm totally addicted to it again. I'm practicing every night, pushing myself to learn things that I can't play and making sure I heed the hard learned lessons of complacency that had killed it for me in the first place. So to sum up (sorry this post was a bit more long winded than I expected!) playing bass is like coming home for me now. It calms me, inspires me, frustrates me, excites me and drives me crazy all at the same time but I wouldn't be without it and I can't wait to get out and gig again.
  6. Here's the dots. Disclaimer, I'm super rusty at transcription as I haven't done it since uni so please excuse my spider sh*t! Also, before anyone goes all theory police on me: Yes I know I could have written repeat bars etc and have probably messed up the rests and articulations, it was 2am, I was on-call with work and I'm a Luddite when it comes to Sibelius so deal with it (in the nicest possible way of course!) https://www.dropbox.com/s/7iaic1lu14k936r/Vulfpeck%20-%20Dean%20Town%20-%20Bass%20Guitar.pdf?dl=0
  7. For Marc S, some closeup shots of the crack in the body as requested. http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d33/Adam_Mark_Wood/IMG_0023_zps1tp0i5fc.jpg http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d33/Adam_Mark_Wood/IMG_0022_zpsm2ygwjej.jpg
  8. Just finished a transcription of the bass part if anyone wants a copy? Bit ropey as I have't transcribed for about 10 years but it'll do!
  9. [quote name='Marc S' timestamp='1476344917' post='3153426'] Hi Adam, Re the crack near the bridge; How far does it extend? Any chance of some close-up pics of it from the front & back? [/quote] I will try and get some better pics of the crack tonight when I'm back from work. Being a bit of a muppet when it comes to woodwork I have no idea of the implications, it certainly doesn't make it feel unstable at all. I know that a crack is not the end of the world as I have a split in the headstock on my Yamaha (pub gig, drunken idiot, bass crashes to the floor, you know the drill) which was repaired by a joiner mate of my dad's and is probably stronger than it was when it was first built. [quote name='only4' timestamp='1476359337' post='3153593'] Eeek My year of birth bass I play short scale I'm in Manchester The stars may be aligning! [/quote] You're welcome to come and take a look at it mate, PM me.
  10. Thanks scrumpymike good to know. I have very little knowledge of this bass, I know that the finish (whatever colour it was) has been removed but didn't know the pickguards were exclusively one piece on these.
  11. ** WITHDRAWN FROM SALE ** After spending some time examining it closely with another BC'er we've discovered that the bass is actually in a bit of a worse state than I originally thought it was. The crack in the body extends further than I thought. Looking closer at the wood what I thought was a join between 2 pieces of ply is actually a crack - not good. I may restore this myself if I get time one day but until then it's going to be relegated to a storage rack until it's fate is decided. Thanks to everyone for their interest and apologies for listing something without properly checking it's condition.
  12. I'm currently working on some random noodlings and trying to work on my phrasing rather than just going "Oh no! Bass solo time! What the hell do I play?!" and just flailing my fingers around vaguely in the right key in the modest hope that at least something will sound passable as a solo! I think I'll be taking your advice on learning some solos from other musos, I've got a book of Charlie Parker stuff that I occassionally dip in and out of which has plenty of material to steal... I mean... ahem... plagiarise and tastefully reference! When I've had a chance to do some recordings I'll get them posted up on here, would love to hear your thoughts.
  13. Just checked out you're vids! Great phrasing and a lovely feel about your playing, I loved the solo on Blue Bosa. I will now sit in my study and practice all night! What ever you are practicing it is certainly working and I need to find me some of that! Keep it up dude, hope to see some more vids soon! Adam
  14. Ok so I've had this looked at by a luthier. He tells me its actually a half size (shows how much I know!) He's also pointed out that it could do with a very minor fingerboard repair which he assures me wouldn't cost a lot and would be very easy however not having it repaired would not stop you from being able to play it. He said if you wanted to play with a bow you might want to consider a new bridge but for playing fingerstyle if would be fine, had a look on evilbay and new bridges for a half sized bass are about £20. He also said that in actual fact the strings are fine and still have plenty of life in them. All things considered I'm going to reduce the price to £400 and if noone takes it then I can only assume I'm just not meant to sell it.
  15. In case anyone is interested and isn't local I've been looking into couriers for it. If you'd like a price for a courier PM your address details and I'll get a quote for you.
  16. Reduced to £500! Please don't make me Ebay this!
  17. This is still available. I can confirm that it is a Czech import, not sure of the year but it's pre 1992 when they started being built in China. Best guess would put it around the mid 80's from what I have read about the history of B&H. Give me a shout if you want pics or sound clips. Cheers
  18. Thanks Gilby, it is a lovely bass.
  19. I'm sure some of you have been in this situation: Really didn't want to have to sell this but after being slapped with a bill for the car it looks like I don't have much choice! My offering is a Boosey and Hawkes 400 Haflsize Acoustic Upright with a bow. I have never gotten round to learning to play it properly and as a result it has taken pride of place in our dining room as a rather attractive piece of furniture! I've only ever gigged it once and recorded with it a couple of times. It's in great condition but could probably do with some new strings (I daren't change them as I have no idea what I'm doing!) I know I won't get what I paid for it so I reckon [b]£400 [/b]is a fair shout for it. It's an 80's Czech model I think (that's about all I know!) As it's a fairly hefty beast, buyer collects might be the best thing. I would be willing to come to some sort of arrangement where we meet half way if that's what you prefer. I will email pics of it for anyone interested, if you have any questions please feel free to give me a shout - I will do my best to answer them but I will be honest I really don't know much about it other than its sounds great and looks ace! Cheers Adam
  20. Some pics for you [attachment=122294:20121028_113307.jpg] [attachment=122295:20121028_113319.jpg]
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