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Everything posted by meesterbassman

  1. Great basses- I have one. Hand wound pickups that change tone as you rotate (but be careful as it’s 80s wiring!) paid £500 for mine last year (had sat in case for 30 years). needed a decent fret tidying job (ends were rather proud of fingerboard) my luthier was very impressed too. very solid mahogany basses with brass nut and a large but very thin body so no heavier than some of my other p basses. can do a variety of P bass sounds by rotating pickups. surprisingly comfy to play and a rare one to have in your collection-they didn’t make many basses compared to all the 6 strings mine is serial 01064 so yours looks to be quite an early one
  2. Bizarre post and a shot in the dark. my old teacher Colin Bilham has just died (age 90). First bass guitar chair in the west end and one of original Superstar and Joseph bands I believe. he *should* have sold his ‘64 precision to me a few years back (2005ish) but was arm twisted (I think) to flog it for (gulp) £750 by (I can only assume) some with minimal scruples. (Supposition there!) I was gutted. More so to discover that it then got sold on at auction in 2015 by Tennants in the UK at a price I could still have managed (£2.5k). the auctioneers tell me it left the UK but can’t say where. Colin bought it from the bass player in the Hollies... anyway, would LOVE to track it down (and ideally buy it back for posterity) - I’m gutted he’s gone (knew him for almost 40 years). anyone come across it (info here including serial): https://bid.tennants.co.uk/m/lot-details/index/catalog/300/lot/437946?url=%2Fm%2Fsearch%2F%3Fkey%3DColin%2Bbilham%26search-area%3Don%26xclosed%3Dno
  3. Only just heard the news a week ago (and the only reason i've joined Basschat in fact!) glad someone posted this - i worked / studied alongside Dave at music college in the early 90s for 4 years - he was a great musician, and one of the funniest blokes i've ever met! Will never forget his Darth Vader impressions just prior to walking onstage for Mahler 5 (i was in tears by the time i sat down...!). He was a force of nature, and a law unto himself throughout college (never choosing to conform if it got in the way of his talent or ideals). Absolutely shocked he's gone already (especially being the same age!) - he did, as someone else has said, have half his career ahead of him. Thank god he did some big things with his life (both professionally and personally) in his short time RIP Dave - wish I'd made the effort to get back in contact a bit sooner, but glad i got to know you for a while! Phil Reynolds
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