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Everything posted by Scotticus

  1. So what was thought to be a simple swap over of preamps and has become a bit of a mission, hopefully you guys will be able to enlighten me on this! So first off I have a mostly connected Delano Sonar 3, which I need to attach the pickups to, I know this sounds easy hence why I decided to attempt it but theres been a few unexpected problems. The wires from the pickups to the preamp have an inner core, which I'm guessing is surrounded by shielding (pictured below). How would you solder this to the pot (also pictured below). Secondly, just to make life difficult it turns out that my jack isn't jobby standard issue but a lot longer. Before I realised this I had already completely removed the old wires from it so have no idea what goes where. I've played around but between the pickups and the jack, I'm clueless. Last but not any less confusing, grounding, theres a ground wire on the preamp. What am I supposed to attach that to? Also where does the bridge ground wire go? I have spent quite a frustrating time hunting around on google and what not, but I've come up empty. [attachment=112726:Pick up wire together.jpg] [attachment=112727:Pick up wire split.jpg] [attachment=112728:Blend pot solder side.jpg] [attachment=112729:Jack.jpg] [attachment=112730:Preamp ground wire.jpg] Cheers guys
  2. Cheers chaps, both replies help a lot. Holding the original bridge back in place (using the through body string holes as a guide), from nut to saddle (right on the saddle) is actually 35'. Well I'll be jiggered, that explains why this beast drop tunes well! To get the Hipshot saddles in the same spot, I'll definitely lose the ability to string through body, but it does cover up the damage and free up more playing area over the bridge pickup. Unless anyone can think of anything obvious I'm missing, I'd say jobs a goodun and it's time to start drilling! Cheers Scott
  3. Some might say I should've done a bit more research before diving in, and I'd be amongst them, but I didn't... So I've got a Hipshot A-style bridge for my 5 string. The original bridge appeared to have been fitted by a chimp with a drill and anger management issues, hence there was a lot of filling of half-arsed and crooked holes to be done. Thing is, if I fit the Hipshot so that the holes for stringing through the body line up, a lot of the damage to the finish is visible as the original bridge covered more surface area than the Hipshot. Asthetically, the problem can be solved by moving the Hipshot back about an inch. I'd lose the ability to string through the body then obviously, but the Hipshot can top load and I could live with that. Question is, if I change the distance from saddle to nut by that much, will that screw with the mathematics of where the frets have been placed and mean that any fretted notes will be consistently out of tune? Any oppinions? I'm also having a shot at changing the preamp. So far, I've got the battery, jack and pots wired up. However, I've just noticed that the original knobs don't fit over the shafts of the pots on my new preamp (a Delano Sonar). There's absolutely nothing written on the individual pots, so is there a way of telling which knobs will fit? Thanks heaps for any help and advice chaps... Scott
  4. I bought Dave's old JackHammer, and wouldn't hesitate to deal with him again. PM's were fast and friendly, pedal arrived exactly as described and sounds great for the price. Cheers Dave!
  5. Tom bought my Barber Tonepress, also in a totally hassle-free friendly deal. The force is strong with this one!
  6. Phil bought my VT Bass t'other day. Fast and friendly PM's, payment arrived when he said it would, doesn't get any easier than this folks. Enjoy your new pedal sir... Scott
  7. This was posted yonks ago so I doubt it, but do you still have that Midisport 2x2? Drop me a PM if ya do, would be happy to take it off your hands.
  8. New pedal for a new week, anyone?
  9. Sunny sunday bump
  10. Bumpage!
  11. Can I call 2nd dibs on the Diago, in the unlikely event that Lenny declares bankruptcy/gets struck by lightening/changes his mind.
  12. Bump
  13. Aha, I know Andertons (did a year at ACM just up t' road) Mine is sold pending payment now man, but I'll let ya know if payment doesn't arrive for some reason. Scott
  14. And another bank holiday bump...
  15. Bank holiday bump... treat yourself!
  16. Damnation, too slow! 2nd dibs on this should the sale fall through. Cheers
  17. Bump for a pricedrop... one last push before this goes on the bay...
  18. I've got a Boss ODB-3 here that might interest you if you're in need of some filth. Picked it up recently on BC, very impressed with it for the pricepoint, but having to move it along because I'm skint. It stomps along the fine line between a distortion and a fuzz, no loss of low end at all, with the right EQ settings I was able to pull synthy sounds out of it too. As you can see, it's well used (came to me like this). All knobs and jacks work though, no issues that I could find. It'll arrive in a sturdy box, but not the original box. It's also got a fresh Duracell battery in it, so you'll be fully equipped to start melting faces as soon as you plug it in. Let's say £35 delivered to the UK. If you fancy collecting (I'm in South West London and happy to travel a bit) then knock off a fiver. Cheers Scott
  19. Sold and posted to a nice man called Phil... nothing to see here. Tech 21 VT Bass V1 seeks new home. Has lived a happy and sheltered life on the "always on" bit of previous owner's board. Decent condition, comes in original tin (that's the box, I don't have a version of the pedal made out of tin) Let's say £100 collected (I'm in South West London and happy to travel to meet you), or add £5 for UK delivery. Pretty firm on the price, wouldn't be moving this on at all if I wasn't broke. Cheers Scott
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