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Captain Rumble

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Everything posted by Captain Rumble

  1. Hi I will have that off you if I may
  2. Do I understand you have given the UMBO a coat of paint ?
  3. You just play the ropey old one now then
  4. I'm really tempted but its christmas and she's already planning what to buy in the January sales
  5. Story of my life "just missed it"
  6. Singers, never had aproblem with em they just do as they are bloody told. Keyboard players on the other hand what a pain in the arse they can be ............
  7. I have a transport and dac circa £3000, valve amp about same running into a pair of monitor Audio floorstanders and have always been very happy with the sound they produce, but last year I bought a 20 year old Rega Planar 3 fitted a new drive belt and an Adio Technica AT120e cartride and needle £100 put one of my old albums and was blown away. To my ears in my house on the equipment I have there is no comparison the CD,s are good but the vinyl is in a diferent league as for scratches I always looked after my vinyl so not really a problem. I now buy both vinyl and cd versions one for convenience (car,computor etc) and one for listening pleasure. I dont care what the theories are the variouse formats are just tools some of which are better for some things than others imho of course
  8. I use one of these thru a Barefaced compact works a treat and is much louder than one would expect and at that price its a steal
  9. Alice Cooper - Welcome to my nightmare
  10. Captain Rumble


    I remember seeing Curved air at the Mecca in Portsmouth a very very long time ago
  11. BC is having a problem after being hacked I had to get a photobucket account and download pics from there
  12. my anti virus has just warned me of malware associated with the BC site wasnt doing that a couple of hours ago
  13. [quote name='BottomE' timestamp='1353346413' post='1874028'] Lovely pics Captain Rumble [/quote] Your too kind was intending to take more but I got all overcome, so many great basses so little time
  14. All joking aside that UMBO was very nice to play and did its own thing on the jazz tone I just dont get the "lets attack it with a sander" thing but hey eye of the beholder and all that. For me john's blue P was just so lush and I know why Jerry raves about that Hamer [quote name='Pinball' timestamp='1353347635' post='1874057'] I noticed there weren't any pictures of it-too old and tatty.[/quote] Thats cos they was lyin on the floor not only did I neglect to photograph them I also never got round to playing your TM (think thats right)
  15. [quote name='Rexington' timestamp='1353279346' post='1873274'] So glad I didn't take my bass, would've been like taking a Ford Escort to a supercar show..[/quote] You should'nt have worried did you see the tatty old Sandberg that Pinball bought with him Dont know why he bothered
  16. Thanks I think I've got it now
  17. err being very dense here Image url ?
  18. Ok i now have photo's on Photobucket but have no idea how to get them onto basschat
  19. [quote name='mark_ir' timestamp='1353245972' post='1872913'] did you have any joy after deleting unwanted pics? I can't upload anything via any method I can find on this site Macbook Pro, using latest Safari both standard and flash uploaders try for a bit then say "no image was selected to upload" YES IT WAS! there's no way to upload in PM's at all and now I can't post a pic in a conversation? make's me grumpy [/quote] I am having the same problem What am I doing wrong ?
  20. [quote name='Pinball' timestamp='1353176560' post='1872482'] Not sure if there is space in the car for this but if anyone wants it I (we) can try and bring it. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/192244-aluminium-bass-case/page__fromsearch__1"]http://basschat.co.u...__fromsearch__1[/url] [/quote]just make sure you bring that UMBO
  21. I'll bring some gaffa tape so you can repair it
  22. You just have to bring that with you on Sunday and dont give us any crap about small cars either errr please
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