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Captain Rumble

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Everything posted by Captain Rumble

  1. Can anyone recommend a hard case for an Exotic XJ - IT4 I have tried the Hiscox and it dont fit
  2. our present drummer is moving on need someone preferably based West Sussex, Sussex area but not critical. we do a kind of bluesy soulfull funky kinda thing have recorded one album of originals gigs booked. Give me a shout if you know anyone or even if you are someone who might be interested. John
  3. Trades are definitely a possibility try me who knows I might even say yes
  4. Barefaced S12T (tweeter version) very good condition works perfectly very loud, very light, very black comes with Roqsolid cover. If your local and would like to try it just give me a call and I'll get the kettle on, I have a mesa walkabout or an Aguilar Tonehammer (one of which will be for sale shortly) you can try it with or bring your own amp possible trade for something interesting amp wise. [attachment=244172:20170420_204401.jpg] Doesn't seem to want to let me change the price now £600 ono
  5. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ruby-the-revelators-album-launch-party-live-performance-with-special-guests-support-act-grizzly-tickets-29983211593?mc_cid=4870a4fad1&mc_eid=0bcdf06141 well I'm going to have fun whatever happens I'm buying new Vanderkley 2 x 12 enroute and will try out at the gig
  6. Humble Pie - Thunderbox ....... Brilliant band
  7. me too and I'm nearly in Havant
  8. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ruby-the-revelators-special-guests-at-the-100-club-with-toriah-fontain-ryk-mead-the-london-blues-tickets-29373565124
  9. I'm wondering if I have put this in the wrong place 100+ views but only one response Thanks Bazztard. Now it could be that your all as ill informed and dense as I am which I feel is extremely unlikely, or maybe your all too busy playing with the new toys you got for Christmas which is far more likely either way will someone please help this old duffer up his game.
  10. [quote name='bazztard' timestamp='1479370564' post='3175956'] Get a TC Polytune, it is by far the best I've used, beats the cheap Snarks and even the expensive Peterson Stroboclip [/quote] +1
  11. I have just joined a band and they have given me a list of 40+ songs some original some covers with the first gig being at the 100 club in February and I'm looking for some technology to help me learn them and to use on gigs. I am thinking a tablet of some kind and software that I can use to create chord charts/ score etc and will present said chord charts in whatever order I require but my knowledge of such things is sadly almost non-existent. I'm not a complete Luddite just never had the need to use such equipment so any suggestions and advice anyone has would be very much appreciated also general suggestions on the best ways to learn songs in a hurry given that I am not a fast study.
  12. Can you give us an idea on how the sound / what you didnt like sort of thing Lozz
  13. Having spent the best part of 40 years playing without knowing I have recently decided to have music lessons from young Jamesbass of this parish. My son who has just started at BIMM finds this most amusing but apart from the piss taking it is probably one of the more sensible things bass related that I have ever done. With each snippet of musical wisdom that is imparted to me the enormity of what I do not know becomes more clear however the difference it is making to my playing and how I feel about my playing is worth every penny both figuratively and literally. Now if I can just live to about 150 I should just be beginning to get an understanding of where this is going, maybe, sortof.
  14. John Butler Trio - Sunrise over sea
  15. [quote name='TrevorR' timestamp='1476097758' post='3151157'] Nope, its kept at the workshop for YOU to try out... Listen to my voice... you are feeling sleepy... you are feeling sleepy... you want to buy a Mk3... you want to buy a Mk 3... [/quote] I do want to buy one I do but I spent all my money on an old trace amp and a wireless............... I'm so sad My son seems strangely cheerful about the whole thing though
  16. Bought a [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] [/font][/color][font="helvetica, arial, sans-serif"][color="#282828"]wireless system of Macdaddy at the bassbash it doesn't get much easier than that [/color][/font]
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