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Everything posted by fenderiko

  1. Hello , just PM'ed you , still available ? ?
  2. Hello all , Here is a preview and a chance to get it before it goes on ebay I had this amp bought specifically for a 3 weeks theatre show and it has been sitting around gathering dust since then . (also selling a loopstation from the same show ) - A great amp with a great sound (as youd expect from Ampeg ! ) 15'' speaker coupled with 100w amp will give you plenty of head room for live gigs and rehearsals at various settings. - I never had to run it past 12ocklock partially because it can be tilted backward so it acts as a great monitor when the band gets louder and with the EQ and pre shape styles you can always cut through the mix when playing live. various great features, - Aux in - Headphones out, - 5 Pre shape styles - 3 band EQ - DI out and for a full blurb go here [url="http://www.ampeg.com/products/bassamp/ba115/index.html"]http://www.ampeg.com...a115/index.html[/url] It was a gigging amp so expect scratches and dents here and there but overall it looks and sound great and tolex is all in one piece. It is a little heavy but im sure its easy enough to arrange a courier on buyer expense unless i can fit it in my travels in which case i'll drop it at yours for free if you're on route - just drop me an email if your interested and we can talk this through. I've looked around and cheapest NEW i could find in the UK goes for about £297 and from what Ive seen recently they go for round £160-£200 on ebay so[u][b] selling this for £150[/b][/u][b] - [/b]sound reasonable ? if you have any question (possibly trade suggestions, rather not) please drop me a line cheers. (the server is struggling to load pics , so i might have to send them personally (brrrr :-( ) or if any of you have any other suggestions please advise )
  3. hello there is the whammy still available ? ta
  4. [quote name='Ray' post='639854' date='Oct 29 2009, 10:57 AM']If I ever work with him again I'll politely suggest using a different method as described above. [/quote] Also , is it possible that your Amp/DI was set on Pre Eq ? (Pre Eq Button on the amp ) in which case your eq would be flat to the desk but amp still sounding good once you are next to it. hmmm,,,,
  5. [quote name='Ray' post='639247' date='Oct 28 2009, 05:09 PM']Passive Fender Jazz. Oh well, it was only a session job anyway. The guy paying for it was happy with the result. Thanks guys![/quote] Hi Ray , +1 for all the above. but also your amp not only functioning as an amp but have [b]a very good [/b]DI on it ( why not using Bass>Amp/DI in room no cab > wall>control room ) so, as any engineer will tell you , having millions cables and reverse pluggings and what not is going to make your sound like hell BUT , Also , it sounded like the control room has only taken your DI sound with no amp feed and once adding the fact that you are using a passive J bass that already have a weak signal and very dry full of mids you would have trouble with sound. when the engineer is quickly rushing to blame my equipment I have a red alarm suggesting that the engineer knows F@%K ALL. - :)you got payed ! R
  6. Hi there I have a nice french bow which Id like to trade for a German bow , it is my spare bow (round £120 ) with a nice curve . but I need another German bow for one of my students . let me know if there is any interest , if so , I'll send some pic's over . ta R
  7. Haalloooooo how much for the bassballs nano ? bumpppppppppp R
  8. [quote name='alexclaber' post='623160' date='Oct 11 2009, 03:19 PM']I'm suggesting that if it doesn't have a pre-1980 brandname most guitarists won't touch it - unless their hero endorses it. Look at all the boutique basses out there (even if lots look like Fenders) - and then look at what guitarists spend their money on. Not saying they're wrong, just somewhat blinkered. Alex[/quote] I disagree . I have the feeling that you need to speak, play , hear and interact with more guitar players. R
  9. [quote name='Bill Fitzmaurice' post='623161' date='Oct 11 2009, 03:19 PM']For me tone come first too. The point made is that weight and tone are not related. Some very heavy cabs sound really bad, some very light cabs sound very good. Having a cab that sounds good and is light as well is a win-win situation.[/quote] +1 with you 100%
  10. also , Alex , you took my quote out of context as i referred to the comment above me. So if it sounded that all light cabs are dull then that is not how I meant it. I took it for granted that tone comes first. R
  11. [quote name='alexclaber' post='623137' date='Oct 11 2009, 02:43 PM']I could understand such baseless prejudice on a guitarist forum but I'd expect better on here! For me, tone comes first. Then loudness (which is a power handling / sensitivity balance). And finally weight - to be honest the only reason I designed a lightweight cab for myself was because I couldn't see the point of a heavy cab and I enjoyed the engineering challenge - I occasionally lift heavy weights voluntarily for no reason other than exercise so I'm not scared of moving something that weighs more than some backing vocalists! Alex[/quote] I hope you are not suggesting that guitarists are prejudice nor thick ,, none the less, the point I tried to make is that even if the bass cab is light however not sounding well then the weight is not longer a factor . for me tone come first. then figure out if I can afford the damn thing . R
  12. [quote name='JTUK' post='622788' date='Oct 10 2009, 11:26 PM']I agree, and I don't run big cabs... both go on the back seat of my car and I can carry them with one hand But it is pointless having a light cab if all it has going for it it is that it is loud... or light. I have heard that complaint about too many light cabs...loud but dull as dishwater...their words, not mine.[/quote] +1 ....Dull as a dish washer .. - Great !!!! Yes, unfortunately you are right , having a light but loud cab means such a bore sound with no any consideration to colors , definition and general sound. im happy to carry abit more and have the best sound on earth . R
  13. [quote name='Protium' post='621086' date='Oct 8 2009, 10:18 PM']Fair play if they can make the cab faster, cheaper and get the same results at the end it doesn't make sense for them to mass produce them with thinner wood- it would just end in a thread on here titled "why are cabs so expensive" [/quote] good point !!!!!!!!
  14. [quote name='Bill Fitzmaurice' post='621073' date='Oct 8 2009, 10:08 PM']Because it's cheaper. Many cab manufacturers make a big deal about using 3/4" plywood, as if that's a good thing. It's not. Manufacturers use 3/4" plywood because it will give an adequate result with minimal bracing and can be assembled by unskilled minimum wage help in less than two hours from start to finish. A properly braced cab made from 1/2" plywood will be significantly lighter than a cab made from 3/4", yet it will have the rigidity of a cab made from 1". But build time will be roughly doubled, as will the number of parts in inventory, so with the overwhelming majority of manufacturers that's not how it's done.[/quote] BRILLIANT !!!!!!!!!!!! now , that is what I was looking for !!!! thank you so much Bill !!!!!! Yes, ofcourse they made light cabs for years (thanks for who ever pointed it out ) and of course some arent good . however, it seems a little strange to have the ability to make them lighter yet most makers (mostly of mass production ) simply do not bother as , like bill kindly pointed, it is cheaper to build them heavier. thanks you !!!!!! R
  15. [quote name='Bill Fitzmaurice' post='620865' date='Oct 8 2009, 06:54 PM']What they don't lend themselves to is high profit margins. [/quote] Perhaps , but if that was the case then surly the mass production amp or cab makers would charge tiny bit less for their cabs and would make them tiny bit cheaper and make ton loads of money. although labour [u][b]is[/b][/u] taken into account im more thinking about the actual cab which seem very heavy at times and extremely light in other depending on the makers. if ,as some reckon Weight is not a factor for a good sound so why making the cab heavy ? R
  16. This s very very interesting,,thanks so much for all your input !!! So , if there are such materials and techniques to make cabs lighter yet sound brillinat and still be big then why arent most of the cab makers dont apply the same idea ? if one can make an amp sound good through a light but big Cab then how come the rest of the makers arent doing the same ? as I mentioned before , surly that would win many of the clients out there ,( getting a big looking cab yet lighter ,,,) and another one just for Alex : [quote name='alexclaber' post='620597' date='Oct 8 2009, 02:36 PM']The original statement is referred to as Hoffman's Iron Law. Loud (i.e. sensitive), small (in total cab volume), deep (how low the bass response extends) - you can only have two out of three. However much money you have, you cannot beat the law - it's constrained by the physics of loudspeakers.[/quote] you talked earlier about the 3 parameters, whilst you designed your cabs in your models did you have to sacrifice one parameter ( If I can call these parameter ) ? if so , which one ? big thanks again , R
  17. hello all, well, this is very confusing , I see lots of great cabs about but some of them seem to be so heavy and some extremely light. Now , the very obvious question is : why designing them so heavy in the first place ? surely people rather not lift more weight ? ? what is making then so heavy ? the wood ? driver ? how can a heavy Cab can be compared with a lighter one in terms of sound ? also how can a small cab like the GK that I always see carried around on public transport can be any good ? ? surly if that was any good all cabs would be as small and portable ( I agree that they may not look as cool apologies if this is very obvious to you all ,,, I was trying to find the answer but with no luck , ta Rachel
  18. Hello , does any of you know of a good pick-up maker in the UK for double bass ? ? thanks RH
  19. [quote name='benwhiteuk' post='617508' date='Oct 5 2009, 03:03 PM']I was told it once by someone who I thought new what they were talking about. I guess it's not the case [/quote] glad we're not in 01.09.1939 ....
  20. [quote name='obbm' post='617362' date='Oct 5 2009, 01:06 PM']Except when you're playing outdoors old boy, when your LF content disappears into the field behind you.[/quote] so you are suggesting that cabs with a rare port are no good for outdoors gigs ? ? ? surly the amp/cab makers would have thought of that when designing the cab ? ? please correct me if Im wrong R
  21. "With feet of the correct height you get a lower tuning with less internal port volume. I've seen this used on one nice DIY bass rig." Ive seen a clarus or acoustic image ,, or one of the little ones, with a port at the bottom , ,
  22. already replying !!! wow you guys are good !!!! thanks alot for that , However , if there is no difference in sound then why the option is there in the first place ? ? ? why bothering with such design ? a good example would be the Aguilar cabs (GS and DB ) would you suggest that there is no difference in sound between the two with relation to ports ? Alex , to your opinion, are those ports badly placed ? ( or ports in the mass production cabs for that matter ? ) (apologies for being a total ignoramus ) R
  23. Hi Folks , Just a question which Im raising only to satisfy my curious mind as Im not purchasing anything new in the near future . can any of you tell me the difference in sound between rear port amps and front port ? ? ? I am not talking about the physical difference as I know that the ports are located in 2 different places but is there any difference in sound ? ? thanks very much you clever ones , Rache,
  24. [quote name='alexclaber' post='570077' date='Aug 15 2009, 05:32 PM']How big is a big gig? And how loud is your band? What are you up against on the guitar front, what genre are you in? And what are you currently using? And what sound are you going for? Any key tonal influences? Regarding your choice of cab, I consider the most cost effective match to go for something that is within a 2:1 ratio either way. So with a 500W amp I'd be looking at cabs rated at between 250W and 1000W. The rating on the cab is a thermal rating and it doesn't take into account how much the speakers have to move to produce the lows. Fortunately speakers kindly start making nasty noises when you ask them to produce too much bottom, so you can back off before you cause damage. The amount of bottom a cab can produce is fairly closely tied in with how large it is, so don't expect anyone near as much bottom at gigging volumes from a 500W 1x12" as from a 500W 4x10". With my range of cabs I don't even bother quoting a 'power handling' rating - instead I just suggest a recommended range of amplifier power ratings, for instance 100W-500W for the Compact. Alex[/quote] yes Alex , I suppose you right : bib gig for me is probably 200ppl up ... - you reckon that the ag500 would do it ? medium jazz clubs and medium rock stages. you reckon the getting 4x10 or 2x12 would do the trick for getting amplified both electric and double ? i am currently GK (300w ) head and ashdown cab 2x10 thanks for cab - much much appreciated Rachel
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